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Computer Architecture and Parallel Programming Laboratory (CAPPLab) Group Meetings Greetings! Abu Asaduzzaman Assistant Professor, Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Architecture and Parallel Programming Laboratory (CAPPLab) Group Meetings Greetings! Abu Asaduzzaman Assistant Professor, Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Architecture and Parallel Programming Laboratory (CAPPLab) Group Meetings Greetings! Abu Asaduzzaman Assistant Professor, Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci. Department CAPPLab at 245 Jabara Hall Sept. 04, 2015

2 Dr. Zaman2 Welcome to Fall 2015 Term Outline►  Introduction  Updates  Research Directions  Funding Opportunities  Fall 2015 Schedule  Open Discussion Q U E S T I O N S ?Any time, please.

3 Dr. Zaman3 Introduction  Welcome (to new members)  Objective of this short presentation  No CAPPLab! Know CAPPLab (people, resources, and activities)

4 Dr. Zaman4 Introduction (+) Know CAPPLab  Computer Architecture and Parallel Programming Laboratory (CAPPLab)  245 Jabara Hall at Wichita State University   Researchers  (new) Ahmed, Venkatesh, and Suveen  (existing) Kishore, Parthib, Shanta, Mark, and Chok  Collaborators  Dr. Asmatulu (ME), Mr. Metrow (HiPeCC), Dr. Cluff (BioMed)  Drs. Neeman (OU), Bergman (JPL), Khan (K-State), Minden (KU)  Ms. Cheij (Nvidia), Mr. Ahmed (Wiktronics), Mr. Rahman (M2SYS)

5 Dr. Zaman5 Introduction (+) Know CAPPLab (+)  Resources  Workstations (8-core) with GPU cards (2,880-core)  Windows and Linux; Special tools  Embedded systems (Development boards and IDE suite)  FPGA boards and IDE suite  WSU HiPeCC access  Activities  Research – Grant, Dissertation, Thesis, Project, UG Research  Teaching – Parallel Programming; Workshop  Others – Visit university/Industry; Fun!

6 Dr. Zaman6 Updates Grants, Research, and Other Activities  Grants  Proposal submitted: 8 (NSF, DoE, NetApp, Nvidia, VentureWell, and WSU)  Awarded: 3 (about $90K)  Under preparation: 3+ (NSF, DoE, and WSU)  Publications  Journal: 1 published; 1 under review, 2+ under preparation  Conference: 6 published; 5 under review, 3+ under preparation

7 Dr. Zaman7 Updates (+) Grants, Research, and Other Activities (+)  Students Graduated  PhD: 2 working; (1 graduated in 2013)  MS Thesis/Project: 3 graduated; 3 working  UG Research: 3 working  Other Activities  University Level: Academic Affairs Committee member (CoE)  College Level: Interim Faculty Senator (EECS)

8 Dr. Zaman8 Research Directions Computing Systems  High Performance Computing  Big Data!?!  Cloud Computing!?!  Law Firm Management  Medical Practice Management

9 Dr. Zaman9 Research Directions (+) CAPPLab  Computer Architecture  Funding is very limited, very competitive  Embedded (including FPGA) Systems  Funding is very limited, very competitive  Parallel Computing  Funding is very limited, very competitive  Heterogeneous Parallel Concurrent Distributed Systems  Sensing, communicating, monitoring, controlling  Collaboration among many disciplines  Many applications! Many funding opportunities!!

10 Dr. Zaman10 Funding Opportunities  National Science Foundation (NSF)  Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF)  Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability (XPS)  Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE)  U.S. Gov. Agencies  Industry  Nvidia: Hardware, Research  Wiktronics: Test-Platform  VentureWell: Student grants, Faculty grants  WSU  MURPA; URCA; FEWMF Cancer Research

11 Dr. Zaman11 Fall 2015 Schedule (tentative)  Presentation Topics  Previous/Current research  Some thoughts…

12 Dr. Zaman12 Open Discussion  As may arise

13 Welcome to Fall 2015 Term Please send your feedback at: Tel: (316) 978-5261 Thank you! Abu Asaduzzaman

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