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Sexual Harassment – What do I need to do? Administrators/Management must:

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Harassment – What do I need to do? Administrators/Management must:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Harassment – What do I need to do? Administrators/Management must:

2 Administrators/Management must: > Notify staff, students, & parents of sexual harassment policies: * Employees BP/SR 4116.13 * Students BP/SR 5145.7 * Annual Notification to Parents

3 Administrators/Management must:  Always take complaints serious * listen, take notes * ask about witnesses * get the facts, who, what, when * ask are you filing a complaint

4 The Scope of Employer Responsibility // Liability  “What you ____knew_______ or Should have ___known_______.” US Supreme Course ruling.

5 Administrators/Management Note: even if a victim is unwilling to put their complaint in writing – admin/management is obligated to act, to investigate and to take appropriate action to prevent and stop harassment from occurring.

6 Administrators/Management must: maintain the confidentiality of the victim // complainant, and of witnesses

7 Administrators/Management must:  Investigate and Document complaints * get a written complaint, * get witness statements, * get a written statement from the alleged harasser * sometimes an independent investigator – is the right call.

8 Administrators/Management must: * report complaints to district staff Asst Supt Personnel // or Director of Pupil Personnel * when in doubt seek legal counsel through Asst Supt Personnel or Director of Pupil Personnel

9 Administrators/Management  “We” are the keepers of a safe, non- hostile, non-threatening work place and school environment  “We” must show by our actions that we will protect and keep victims safe  “We” must take appropriate and necessary action against harassers to stop and prevent harassment

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