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TEEX Safety in the Work Place Annual Safety Refresher Training Division Director Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "TEEX Safety in the Work Place Annual Safety Refresher Training Division Director Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEEX Safety in the Work Place Annual Safety Refresher Training Division Director Presentation

2 TEEX Director’s Safety Philosophy 1.Safety is a mindset…an attitude 2.Employees & customers are TEEX

3 TEEX Director’s Safety Philosophy 3.Accidents hurt employees and TEEX 4.All accidents will be investigated

4 TEEX Director’s Safety Philosophy 5.Effective risk management is essential 6.Risk assessment – a continual process 7.Employees must apply safety principles

5 Division Responsibilities ---------------------------------------- 1.Monitor division safety performance 2.Comply with: –TEEX Safety Guide –TEEX Safety Manual –TAMUS safety regulations 3.Insist on employee safety responsibility and performance

6 Managers, Coordinators, & Supervisors Responsibilities ----------------------------------------------------------- 1.Make safety a priority during all work 2.Work safely without injury 3.Empower employees to work safely 4.Correct unsafe conditions and behaviors 5.Comply with provisions of TEEX Safety Guide 6.Report all accidents

7 Employee Responsibilities ----------------------------------------------- 1.Make safety a priority during all work 2.Work safely without injury 3.Report unsafe conditions and behaviors 4.Comply with provisions of TEEX Safety Guide

8 Division Safety Officer Responsibilities ----------------------------------------- 1.Assist Division Director, managers and supervisors in implementing safety program 2.Serve on TEEX Safety Subcommittee 3.Ensure employees have personal protective equipment 4.Ensure employees are trained in PPE

9 TEEX Worker Compensation Expense by Fiscal Year* FY03 FY04 FY05 Total ActualCarryoverTotalActualCarryoverTotalActualCarryoverTotalTotals ADMIN$2,398$2,117$4,515$13,835$2,018$15,853$0$1,629 $21,997 ESTI$41,476$43,659$85,135$56,672$19,952$76,623$820$25,746$26,566$188,324 EUPWTI$0$21,637 $1,177$13,827$15,004$0$14,352 $50,992 NERRTC$0 $15$0$15 PS&S$3,344$0$3,344$906$540$1,446$0$250 $5,040 P&RT$5,960$0$5,960$0$7,785 $0 $13,744 SDP$0 TED$0$35,416 $0$8,527 $0 $43,943 US&R$0 $2,631$0$2,631$0$1,005 $3,636 Totals$53,178$102,828$156,006$75,220$52,649$127,869$835$42,982$43,816$327,691 * WC only - no property damage included

10 Division Safety Incentive Awards DivisionStart of 180/365 DaysTarget Date for No Lost Time InjurySafety Incentive ADMIN9/1/048/31/05 ESTI10/4/044/2/05 EUPWTI2/28/058/27/05 NERRTC9/1/048/31/05 PS&S2/28/058/27/05 P&RT9/1/048/31/05 SDP9/1/048/31/05 TED9/1/048/31/05 US&R2/28/058/27/05 Blue-colored dates correspond to divisions marking safety incentive award on 2/27/05

11 TEDD Safety Incentives  The Technology and Economic Development Division (TEDD) will earn an administrative day of leave for all division employees if they complete 365 successive days without a lost workday accident. Our target date is 8/31/05.

12 Safety at Riverside  If you anticipate working after dark, move your car closer to the door that you will exit from.  Be aware of your surroundings.  Notify Area Maintenance 845-6270 if you notice that any exterior lights are out.

13 Building Security  Make sure the outer doors close securely behind you when you leave at night.

14 Location of Fire Extinguishers N Reception Area Conference Room Cafeteria TCALL Offices

15 Electrical Hazards  Extension cords/power strips/surge protectors  Location  Condition  Polarized plug  Overloading vs. warm to the touch  Overloading of wall outlets  Portable heaters  Condition  After-hours shutoff

16 Trip and Fall Hazards  Filing cabinets  Overloaded file cabinet drawers  Extension cords  Office arrangement versus risk  “Floor” storage  Safe access to work station

17 Office Ergonomics  Achieving a good fit between you and your computer workstation increases comfort and productivity. Varying your tasks throughout the day will help to avoid fatigue  Eliminating monitor screen glare makes it more comfortable and easier to read screen information  Occasional breaks with stretching exercises, taken throughout the day restore your energy and increase productivity.

18 Think Safety & Act Safely

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