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Leading Successful Transition. Why are we here? We are here to talk about the transition your environment is going through and the fact that you are an.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Successful Transition. Why are we here? We are here to talk about the transition your environment is going through and the fact that you are an."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Successful Transition

2 Why are we here? We are here to talk about the transition your environment is going through and the fact that you are an integral part of the transition process…… So what is transition and what is your role?

3 Change and Transition There is a difference between change and transition We should assess our own ‘change readiness’ We should take time to focus on how to move ourselves & others forward during times of change and transition

4 What have you heard already? What are you feeling? Company growing? Looking to increase revenues and market share? Driving the evolution of the technology platforms? Increasing the talent base? Looking at new organizational designs…new organization structures…new positions…new leadership roles? Working a lot of hours? Worried about balance of life? Feel like change is coming at you head on? Any chance you are wondering what it means to you specifically? How you are involved?

5 Change and Transition Definitions Change occurs when something new starts or something old stops and it takes place at a particular point in time. Transition is the gradual psychological process through which individuals and groups re-orient themselves so that they can function and find new meaning in a changed situation. Change often starts with a new beginning, but transition must start with an ending – with people letting go of old attitudes and behaviors. Change is external, transition is internal. Changes require people to make transitions and it is these transitions that are difficult rather than the changes themselves that are difficult. Unless transition occurs, change will not work.

6 Three States of Change Existing StateNew State Transition Old roles Comfortable Familiar Controllable New roles New work Unknown, unfamiliar Risky Letting go Taking on new Changing demands Unpredictable Sense of loss &/or gain Endings… “Neutral Zone”… New Beginnings…

7 Transition Framework: the trapeze analogy You can’t move ahead without letting go… …..being “in between” is uncertain and nowhere…. …take hold of new beginnings.

8 Transition Framework the ending: “You can’t move ahead without letting go…” “Letting go” may be accompanied by: Shock Denial Anger Bargaining And even depression As individuals move through transition en route to involvement, acceptance & commitment

9 Transition Framework the neutral zone: “…being ‘in between’ is uncertain and nowhere….” The neutral zone is a stage of exploration and risk. This stage is associated with: Increased energy Indecisive focus Trepidation and courage Trying new ways

10 Transition Framework the new beginning The beginning is stage of commitment to a new situation and way of being. This stage is associated with Increased focus Energy Increased stability Cooperation & teamwork

11 Change Style Indicator Captures individuals preferences in approaching change No “Better” or “Worse” style or score No preferred place to be on the continuum Response to change is determined by the individual not the style The CSI indicates preferences not effectiveness or skill at utilizing a preferred change style Therefore knowing your style and the style of those you work with can come in handy

12 Style Preferences ConserversPragmatistsOriginators Accept theExplore the Challenge the ParadigmParadigmParadigm Prefer changePrefer changePrefer change That isthat isthat is Incrementalfunctionalexpansive

13 How do we see each other? Originators see Conservers Dogmatic Hesitant to share ideas Compliant to authority Stuck in the system Defenders of the status quo Conservers see Originators Disruptive Disrespectful of tradition Generate turbulence Insensitive to others Change for change sake Pragmatists can be perceived by strong Conservers and Originators as: Compromising Mediating Indecisive Easily Influenced Non committal Conservers focus on relationships verify Follow through Pragmatists focus on shared objectives perspire implement Originators focus on tasks Inspire initiate

14 What is the team’s responsibility in change Get involved and understand Ask questions..get it out in the open Understand your preference style for change Acknowledge what you fear most about the change Assess what the impact of change is on you? Communicate Take action - participate Assess what is possible for you, what can you gain?

15 What is a leader’s responsibility in change Acknowledge that you are going through change too Ensure you get to know your team Acknowledge the issues they face Communicate and listen often Paint the future often and clearly Involve everyone…how does change impact your team Provide a living example of change

16 What are other elements to be successful? Crystal clear expectations Feedback Skills Development

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