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Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Engineering Diploma Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers An Approach to Unit Delivery.

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Presentation on theme: "Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Engineering Diploma Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers An Approach to Unit Delivery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Engineering Diploma Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers An Approach to Unit Delivery and Assessment Robotics Automation

2 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Approach given here is formed by following the awarding bodies: Learning outcomes Assessment tasks Computer applications in process control and manufacturing (LO.1) L2 U3 Engineering applications of computers: Computer-based system to solve an engineering problem (LO.2) Microprocessor control applications in consumer products (LO.3) Computer aided technology in maintenance operations (LO.4) Learning outcomes: Next >

3 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers PowerPoint presentations Problem solving tasks Programming tasks using a real and simulated robot work-cell Next > The Robotics and Automation module contains a robot work-cell that is controlled by a computer Engineering theme: The module activities are used for acquiring knowledge and skills during unit delivery The module is ideal for: Computer application in process control (LO.1) Computer-based system to solve an engineering problem (LO.2)

4 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Assessment Task 1 – computer applications in process control and manufacturing Examples: Stock control Maintenance records Parts database Invoicing Next > Research and prepare a report containing an example of: Further extend the report by evaluating other uses of computers in the two industries A student working through the Robotics and Automation module will gain knowledge of process control A demonstration of CAD/CAM/CNC systems in the workshop or during industry visits and the Edexcel student textbook will provide an insight into manufacturing The scheme of work refers to the Materials and Processes module, in which a simulation of a computer controlled moulding machine manufactures parts Process control by computer Manufacturing using computers Extend the report by comparing the effectiveness of the computer system in each case

5 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Assessment Task 2 – solve an engineering problem using a computer-based system Plan and solve a problem using hardware and software Extend the report to explain why the computer equipment was selected and evaluate the solution Write a report on how the problem was solved The Robotics and Automation module is ideal for students to gain knowledge and skills of process control in an applied way Next > The module contains two example engineering problems where students develop a computer program to control a robot. Either of these can be used for the assessment Typical solutions are provided in assignment 10 of the instructor resources

6 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Report on how two domestic products use a microprocessor Evaluate one of the systems and describe how it could be used in a different consumer product Include individual components of a control system and explain how they work Assessment Task 3 – microprocessor control applications The scheme of work also refers to the textbook for useful information PowerPoint presentations are provided that cover: Microprocessor control of a microwave oven How a microprocessor works The Electronic Circuits module includes an assignment on a microprocessor- based road crossing controller Next >

7 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Describe how computer systems are used in two different maintenance operations Interpret data relating to maintenance/diagnostic operation and propose a course of action Explain how computers are used for fault diagnoses Next > Assessment Task 4 – computer aided technology in maintenance operations A PowerPoint presentation is included that gives examples of computer use for maintenance operations Example computer test data of exhaust emissions is provided The scheme of work suggests activities linked to the car and transport industry The scheme of work suggests research of fault diagnostics information for real-time monitoring and OBD 1.Service schedules 2.Diagnostic testing 3.Downloading data from engine management systems 4.Monitoring performance in racing cars 5.Real-time aircraft monitoring systems

8 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers Delivery and assessment approach: Assessment brief and tasks are provided An example of a scheme of work is provided that enables students to acquire the knowledge and skills to complete the assessed tasks It refers to: Assignments in LJ modules Student textbook Internet sites Ideas for visits LJ support documents Next > This unit requires students to be able to apply skills in report writing and presenting The LJ engineering contextualised functional skills package is ideal support in the areas Maths, English and IT

9 Level 2 Unit 3 Engineering Applications of Computers End > Computer control of a robot Sensing and decision making Problem solving Programming Industrial robots A full list of module activities is provided For tasks 2 (and task 1) by working through assignments 1 to 9 Skills and knowledge acquired from the Robotics and Automation module:

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