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Cloud Computing Instructor: Pankaj Mehra Teaching Assistant: Raghav Gautam Lec. 5 April 22, 2010 ISM 158.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Computing Instructor: Pankaj Mehra Teaching Assistant: Raghav Gautam Lec. 5 April 22, 2010 ISM 158."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Computing Instructor: Pankaj Mehra Teaching Assistant: Raghav Gautam Lec. 5 April 22, 2010 ISM 158

2 What is cloud computing? A computing paradigm that allows one or more of –systems infrastructure, –application platform, or –applications to be delivered as services over the Internet

3 Cloud Computing is Different Applications are delivered aaS and do not need to be installed or licensed –Like leasing a car –Painless upgrades Computing platform is remote –Runtime services –Application’s data Resources are remote, virtual and flexible in scale

4 Cloud Computing is easier Easy adoption –Less capital intensive for the consumers Pay as you go –Eliminates the slavery that comes from technology ownership Simple economics –Statistical multiplexing of pooled resources –Economy of scale and greater utilization of capacity

5 Example: Using Amazon EC2 Select a pre-configured, templated VM image to start. Or create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) containing the applications, libraries, data, and associated configuration settings. Configure security and network access on Amazon EC2 instance. Choose the instance types and OS you want, then start, terminate, and monitor as many instances of your AMI as needed, using AWS APIs or associated management tools. Choose to run in many locations, utilize static IP, or attach persistent block storage to your instances. Pay only for the resources that you actually consume, like instance- hours or data transfer.

6 Cloud Computing Concepts Virtualization A trick invented by operating systems scientists that creates an illusion of unlimited, dedicated resources Multi-tenancy A software architecture principle by which a single instance of a service may support multiple client organizations

7 The Vanishing Computer Increasingly, cloud computing is taking the physical and application resources that providers had in- house and putting that off promises At the same time, it is creating an illusion that the resource can be scaled out without limits

8 Cloud adoption areas We find all four variants used by businesses in practice Discussion: why would IT choose one option over another? On- premise Off- premise Dedicated Shared

9 Key value propositions Scalability Scalability is the ability to achieve greater performance by adding resources What are the business model implications? On-demand The ability to deliver and configure applications and supporting infrastructure with increasingly shorter turnaround times

10 Cloud computing is disruptive Changes the dialog between business and IT Threatens and challenges established model Not the lowest cost option Changes the economics of starting a new business imperative Provides new ways to reach customers, quickly

11 Where to learn more IEEE Internet Computing Magazine special issue on Cloud Computing, September/October 2009. Living Document at Cloud Computing Use Cases whitepaper by Tidwell, et al (recent update in Feb. 2010) available at Computing-Use-Cases-Whitepaper

12 In the next lecture … Controlling the delivery of cloud services in a business: how?

13 Questions?


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