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Temperatures Right Now Philadelphia: 38 Mount Pocono: 24 Allentown: 34 Jersey Shore: 41 Dover: 38 Wilmington: 39.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperatures Right Now Philadelphia: 38 Mount Pocono: 24 Allentown: 34 Jersey Shore: 41 Dover: 38 Wilmington: 39."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperatures Right Now Philadelphia: 38 Mount Pocono: 24 Allentown: 34 Jersey Shore: 41 Dover: 38 Wilmington: 39

2 Our Day Joke: The wind blew my hat away!

3 Winds In our Region: Philadelphia: 40 mph Wilmington: 35 mph Dover: 45 mph New Jersey Shore: 40 mph

4 Kids Tracker for Tonight! 8pm: 29 9pm: 28 10pm: 28 11pm- 1am- Mixing into the mid 20s

5 Tonight: Mid 20s, may can be a flake around? Winds can be up to 10 mph.

6 Tomorrow: Clouds sticks around with the sun. Some areas can reach to almost the mid 30s. This can reach up to the 40s.

7 KidsWeather 5 Day! Thursday: 39, Clouds with Sun Friday: 34 Colder, Partly Sunny’ Saturday: 39 Rain, with some wet snow. Sunday: 40 Warms Up! Monday: 48 Even Warmer!

8 Beyond! Tuesday: Showers at times! Wednesday: Looking Good

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