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Jeopardy Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 EM Waves EM Spectrum Light & Color Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 EM Waves EM Spectrum Light & Color Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 EM Waves EM Spectrum Light & Color Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from C1 A type of wave, such as light wave or radio wave that does not require a medium to travel; A disturbance that transfers energy through a field.

4 $100 Answer from C1 What is an electromagnetic wave? Back to Jeopardy

5 $200 Question from C1 The transfer of energy across distances in the form of electromagnetic waves.

6 $200 Answer from C1 What is radiation? Back to Jeopardy

7 $300 Question from C1 The range of all electromagnetic frequencies.

8 $300 Answer from C1 What is the electromagnetic spectrum? Back to Jeopardy

9 $400 Question from C1 The disappearance of a wave into a medium.

10 $400 Answer from C1 What is absorption? Back to Jeopardy

11 $500 Question from C1 A way of filtering light so that all of the waves vibrate in the same direction.

12 $500 Answer from C1 Back to Jeopardy What is polarization.

13 $100 Question from C2 The production of light by material at high temperatures.

14 $100 Answer from C2 What is incandescence? Back to Jeopardy

15 $200 Question from C2 The production of light without high temperatures needed for incandescence.

16 $200 Answer from C2 What is luminescence? Back to Jeopardy

17 $300 Question from C2 The production of light by living organisms.

18 $300 Answer from C2 What is bioluminescence? Back to Jeopardy

19 $400 Question from C2 A phenomenon in which a material absorbs one wavelength of EM radiation and gives off another.

20 $400 Answer from C2 What is fluorescence? Back to Jeopardy

21 $500 Question from C2 The passage of a wave through a medium.

22 $500 Answer from C2 What is transmission? Back to Jeopardy

23 $100 Question from C3 Unlike mechanical waves, EM waves can Transfer energy _________________

24 $100 Answer from C3 What is through an empty space or vacuum? Back to Jeopardy

25 $200 Question from C3 The __________ is the source of many EM waves on Earth.

26 $200 Answer from C3 What is the sun? Back to Jeopardy

27 $300 Question from C3 The EM wave is caused by the vibration of ______________ and ____________ fields.

28 $300 Answer from C3 What are electric and magnetic? Back to Jeopardy

29 $400 Question from C3 The heat of a toaster is transferred by ____.

30 $400 Answer from C3 What are infrared light? Back to Jeopardy

31 $500 Question from C3 The electromagnetic waves in order from lowest to highest frequency.

32 $500 Answer from C3 Back to Jeopardy What are radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultra- violet light, x-rays, gamma rays?

33 $100 Question from C4 Identify the regions of EM waves on the EM Spectrum. ABC D GFE

34 $100 Answer from C4 What is A-radio waves B- microwaves C – infrared light D – visible light E – UV light F – x-rays G – gamma rays? Back to Jeopardy

35 $200 Question from C4 This electromagnetic wave has the highest frequency.

36 $200 Answer from C4 What are gamma rays? Back to Jeopardy

37 $300 Question from C4 This electromagnetic wave transfers the least Amount of energy?

38 $300 Answer from C4 What are radio waves ? Back to Jeopardy

39 $400 Question from C4 Compare infrared light and ultraviolet light. This light has the longer wavelength and this is the reason why.

40 $400 Answer from C4 Infrared light has a longer wavelength. The two have the same speed, so the one with the lower frequency has a longer wavelength. Back to Jeopardy

41 $500 Question from C4 Radiation from a distant star is very strong at a star. However, it is very faint by the time it reaches Earth. What do you think happens to the radiation as it moves through space that might explain this?

42 $500 Answer from C4 The radiation is very strong at the object, but it is very faint when it reaches Earth because the radiation spreads out as it travels. Therefore, only a small part of the radiation from distant objects reaches Earth. Back to Jeopardy

43 $100 Question from C5 Bioluminescent animals produce light by ______________________.

44 $100 Answer from C5 What is using a chemical reaction? Back to Jeopardy

45 $200 Question from C5 Examples of an incandescent light.

46 $200 Answer from C5 What is a halogen bulb? Back to Jeopardy

47 $300 Question from C5 Most of the light that hits a translucent material is _______________________ ______________________.

48 $300 Answer from C5 What is transmitted and spreads out in all directions? Back to Jeopardy

49 $400 Question from C5 Light waves that pass through a polarized filter have their ____________ fields vibrating in one direction.

50 $400 Answer from C5 What is electric? Back to Jeopardy

51 $500 Question from C5 If you hold a white piece of paper in a blue light, The paper appears blue because it __________ ______________________________________.

52 $500 Answer from C5 Reflects all the wavelengths of light that Are shining on it. Back to Jeopardy

53 Final Jeopardy 1.What happens when you mix all three primary colors of light in equal amounts? What happens when you mix all three primary pigments in equal amounts? What explains the difference? Think about how each group combines to make other colors. Does mixing add or subtract wavelengths?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer 1.Mixing primary colors of light adds wavelengths together. When you mix all the wavelengths of light, you get white light, so when you combine the primary colors, you get white. The primary pigments each absorb all but one color, so as you mix them, they absorb more wavelengths. This means that you are subtracting wavelengths. When you subtract all the wavelengths, you get black.

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