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Software Engineering Saeed Akhtar The University of Lahore Lecture 8 Originally shared for:

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1 Software Engineering Saeed Akhtar The University of Lahore Lecture 8 Originally shared for:

2 Project Management

3 What is a Project? A project is a set of related tasks that are coordinated to achieve a specific objective in given time limit and Budget. Common characteristics of a project - Project have specific objectives - Project must be completed within a specific time period - Project must be completed within a given budget - Projects are carried out by teams - Projects are unique

4 What is a project? (cont) Developing the first deliverable version of an application system for a customer or user is a project. Making a set of specific changes to an existing system or operating system can also be defined as a project. But, regular and continuous maintenance cannot be considered as a project.

5 What is a Project? (cont) A project is a (temporary) sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to specification. (Pressman 1993)

6 Temporary Every project has a definite beginning and definite end. The end is reached when the project objectives have been achieved, OR when it becomes clear that the project objectives will not or can be met OR The need of the project no longer exists and the project is terminated. The duration of a project is finite; projects are not ongoing efforts.

7 Unique Every system development project is unique i.e. it is different from every other system development project that preceded it. Product/services is different in some distinguishing way from other products/services

8 Progressive Elaboration Progressive means “proceeding in steps; continuing steadily by increments” Elaborated means “worked out with care and detail; developed thoroughly” Progressive elaboration of the product characteristic must be coordinated with proper project scope definition, particularly if the project performed under contract.

9 Project vs Operations Organization perform work..either projects or operation Prime Difference - Operations are ongoing and repetitive - Projects are temporary and unique Similarities (Shared Characteristics) - Performed by people - Constrained by limited resources - Planned, executed and controlled

10 Project vs Programs Program A group of projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually. - Program are on going - may contain on-going operations - may contain a series of repetitive or cyclic undertakings - Projects are subset of programs Example : Space shuttle is a program Each launch could be considered as a project

11 What is Project Management? Project management is the process of scoping, planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and controlling the development of an acceptable system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.

12 Project Management Cont’d Project management involves the planning, monitoring, and control of people, process, and events that occur during software development. Software needs to be managed because it is a complex undertaking with a long duration time. Managers must focus on the fours P's to be successful (people, product, process, and project).

13 Success of Project From a project management perspective, a project is considered a success if the resulting information system is acceptable to the customer, the system was delivered "on time" and "within budget" and the system development process had a minimal impact on ongoing business operations.

14 Advantages of Using Formal Project Management Better control of financial, physical, and human resources Improved customer relations Shorter development times Lower costs Higher quality and increased reliability Higher profit margins Improved productivity Better internal coordination Higher worker morale

15 Project Management Institute The Project Management Institute has created the "Project Management Body of Knowledge" (PMBOK) for the education and certification of professional project managers. Established in 1969

16 Project Management Institute PMI focus on : Project manager competencies. Project management functions, which include: Scoping Planning Estimating Scheduling Organizing Directing Controlling Closing

17 Project Management Functions: Scoping Scope defines the boundaries of the project. If we cannot scope project expectation and constraints, we cannot plan activities, estimate costs, or manage expectation. Concerned with defining and controlling what is and what is not included in the project

18 Planning identifies the required tasks to complete the project. Based on the manager’s understanding of the project goal and the methodology used to achieve the goal Planning

19 Estimation Each task that is required to complete the project must be estimated. How much time will be required? How much people will be needed ? What task must be completed before other tasks are started? Can some of tasks overlap?

20 Scheduling Given the project plan, the project manager is responsible for scheduling all project activities. The project schedule should be developed with an understanding of the required tasks, task duration and task prerequisites.

21 Organizing Members of the project team should understand their own individual roles and responsibilities as well as their reporting relationship to the project manager.

22 Directing Once the project has begun, the project manager directs the team activities. Every project manager must demonstrate people management skills to coordinate, delegate, motivate, advise, appraise and reward team members.

23 Controlling The project manager must monitor and report progress against goals, schedule, and cost and make appropriate adjustments when necessary.

24 Closing The project or phase after either achieving its objectives or being terminated for other reasons, requires closure. Closer include formal acceptance from customer/sponsor, collecting project records, ensuring that they reflect final specification; analyzing project success, effectiveness and lessons learned; and archiving such information for future user. Good project managers always assess success and failures at the conclusions of a project. They learn from their mistakes and plan for continues improvement of the system development process.

25 Project Management Knowledge Areas Knowledge areas describe the key competencies that project managers must develop 4 core knowledge areas lead to specific project objectives (scope, time, cost, and quality) 4 facilitating knowledge areas are the means through which the project objectives are achieved (human resources, communication, risk, and procurement management) 1 knowledge area (project integration management) affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge areas

26 Knowledge Areas 1- Project Integration Management 2- Project Scope Management 3- Project Time Management 4- Project Cost Management 5-Project Quality Management 6- Project Human Resource Management 7- Project Communication Management 8- Project Risk Management 9- Project Procurement Management

27 Project Management Framework

28 Thank You

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