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FRI. 17 Oct. 2014 10 H … 10 R … 50 MULTIPLE CHOICE questions … 9 Pages … 15 questions correct = 100 15 questions correct = 100 16+ questions.

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9 FRI. 17 Oct. 2014 10 H … 10 R … 50 MULTIPLE CHOICE questions … 9 Pages … 15 questions correct = 100 15 questions correct = 100 16+ questions correct = 105 16+ questions correct = 105 Quiz grade Quiz grade “Tracking ‘overall’ score” “Tracking ‘overall’ score” Pre – Brief … Practice Regents # 3

10 MON. 20 Oct. 2014 … Procedures … “Rules of Conduct” Enter the classroom … Room 267 … “Regents Conditions” -NO talking … socializing … you do NOT have the time -Please pick up: … Scantron answer sheet … pencil … … there are 5 sharpeners in the room … 3 up front … 2 on the left side -Please “double check” your “Cell phone / electronic device” … “silenced” … “out of sight” -TEST … will passed out … … start at once … YES … you can write on the test … Pre – Brief … for TEST: Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation

11 MON. 20 Oct. 2014 10 H … 66 MULTIPLE CHOICE questions … 10 Pages … = each question is worth 1.51516 points The Test … 14 … New … 7 … Questions … 23 … “Review for Test” … 0 … MAP [ geography ] Identification … 22 questions … OLD … previous units [ Cumulative Build ] … copied & pasted … from … “first” ( 1 st ) & “second” (2 nd ) Tests … The Test … 14 … New … 7 … Questions … 23 … “Review for Test” … 0 … MAP [ geography ] Identification … 22 questions … OLD … previous units [ Cumulative Build ] … copied & pasted … from … “first” ( 1 st ) & “second” (2 nd ) Tests … Pre – Brief … for TEST: Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation


13 MON. 20 Oct. 2014 10 R … 48 MULTIPLE CHOICE questions … 7 Pages … = each question is worth 2.08334 points The Test … 11 … New … 6 … Questions … 15 … “Review for Test” … 0 … MAP [ geography ] Identification … 16 questions … OLD … previous units [ Cumulative Build ] … copied & pasted … from … “first” ( 1 st ) & “second” (2 nd ) Tests … The Test … 11 … New … 6 … Questions … 15 … “Review for Test” … 0 … MAP [ geography ] Identification … 16 questions … OLD … previous units [ Cumulative Build ] … copied & pasted … from … “first” ( 1 st ) & “second” (2 nd ) Tests … Pre – Brief … for TEST: Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation


15 Thu. 16 Oct. 2014 … Procedures … “Rules of Conduct” When you are finished … with your test … -Bring to the front of the classroom … … your test … your Scantron Answer sheet … … “Please” double check … that your NAME is on the Scantron -“Please pick up: - Calendar … Homework … Vocabulary -Please take out something … to keep busy -+ + + “Common courtesy … classroom MUST remain quiet until ALL tests are turned in … Reading rates differ between students … -“Time hacks” posted on blackboard … throughout the TEST Pre – Brief … for TEST: Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation

16 MON. 20 Oct. 2014 TEST: … ETR … [ ] … next week … NLT … [ No later than ] … FRI. 24 Oct. 2014 … … “provided” … NO student absences … TEST: … ETR … [ Estimated Time of Return ] … next week … NLT … [ No later than ] … FRI. 24 Oct. 2014 … … “provided” … NO student absences … Pre – Brief … for TEST: Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation

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