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Home, Sweet Home....

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Presentation on theme: "Home, Sweet Home...."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home, Sweet Home...

2 When she washes and cooks.
Our Flat Our large family Has a nice flat We live there happily With a kitten and a cat. My sister and brother All go to school We help one another It’s a good rule. We help our mother When she washes and cooks. Together with father We like to read books.

3 flat house a bedroom a hall a kitchen a dinning room a bathroom
a living room

4 Let’s see if you know the names of the rooms
in the flat. Completе the sentences. We cook in the ….. We sleep in the ….. We watch TV in the ….. We eat in the ….. We wash our hands in the ..... We take off our overcoat in the …..

5 Употребление конструкции
there is\are Если русское предложение начинается со слов, отвечающих на вопрос «где ?», английское предложение начинается с конструкции there is\are.

6 существительное стоит во множественном числе.
There is Употребляется, если существительное в предложении стоит в единственном числе. There are Употребляется, если существительное стоит во множественном числе.

7 Вставь нужные глаголы-связки: is или are?
There ____ a bed in the room. What ____ there on the desk? On the wall there ____ two pictures. There ____ a cat and two dogs in the room. There ____ three chairs and an armchair in the living room. How many books ____ there on the shelf? ____ there a toilet in the flat? ____ there boys in the park?

8 HAVE A REST! This is my house, This is the door! The windows are clean, And so is the floor! Outside there's a chimney, As tall as can be, With smoke that goes up, come and see!

9 Meet Tommy!

10 Pay attention! a flower bed [ˈflaʊəˌbed]– клумба a floor [flo:]– этаж
downstairs [daʊnˈsteəz]- внизу upstairs [ˌʌpˈsteəz]- наверху

11 Answer the questions 1. Where does Tommy live?
2. How many floors are there in Tommy’s house? 3. Where is the sitting room? 4. Is it a big room? 5. Is there a fireplace in the room? 6. What does Tommy’s family like to do?

12 A Room may be: Big Clean Comfortable Good Light Gloomy Small Dirty
Uncomfortable Bad

13 You are right!!! POSITIVE (+) Big Clean Comfortable Good Light
NEGATIVE (-) Small Dirty Uncomfortable Bad Gloomy

14 Tell Tommy about your room.

15 1. Is my room big. 2. Is my room small. 2. Is there a table in my room
1. Is my room big? 2. Is my room small? 2. Is there a table in my room? 3. How many pictures are there on the wall? 4. What does my room look like?


17 The lesson is over. Goodbye

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