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7B Unit 1 Integrated skills. Where do people live? Guess: what kinds of rooms are there in the flat? flat(S) many new buildings.

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Presentation on theme: "7B Unit 1 Integrated skills. Where do people live? Guess: what kinds of rooms are there in the flat? flat(S) many new buildings."— Presentation transcript:

1 7B Unit 1 Integrated skills

2 Where do people live? Guess: what kinds of rooms are there in the flat? flat(S) many new buildings

3 kitchen bedroom bathroom sitting room dining room My home

4 house In China, many of us live in flats. Neil

5 dining room garden sitting room kitchenbedroombathroom Neil’s house

6 Listen to Neil and put the pictures in the correct order( 排序 ).

7 dining room garden sitting room kitchenbedroombathroom TV shower knivesfridge sofa toilet lamp greenhouse 温室 fork s flowers picture

8 Neil’s home Discuss: Do you think Neil’s home is very small? Which room of Neil's house do you like best? Why? Is your house and Neil’s the same? be different from 这些书架和那些不同。 These bookshelves are different from those. 我们的校园和尼尔的不同。 Our school is different from Neil’s.

9 beautiful bedroom garden house living room rooms Dear Neil Thanks for your video. Your __________ is really different from the flats here in our town. Your is full of flowers. It looks __________.I also like your __________. It looks big and comfortable. There are many _______ in your house, and you have your own ___________. It is really nice. I also have a bedroom of my own, but it is not big. I hope to visit your home some day. All the best, Simon house beautiful rooms bedroom garden living room Help Simon complete his e-mail to Neil with the correct words.

10 Exercise for you: thank sb. for sth: 感谢你的帮助 thank sb. for doing sth: 因为你的到来感谢你。 be full of 瓶子里面装满了水。 be different from: 录像和照片不同。 have one’s own sth: 我拥有自己的打印机。 of one’s own look great: look+adj. 我们的英语老师今天看起来 很开心。 hope to do sth 我希望成为一名老师。

11 What do you think of Neil’s house? Which one do you like better, Neil’s house or yours?

12 Hello, everyone! I’ll show you around my home. I live in __________________________. Please come and look inside. There are _____rooms in it. Let's look at…first. … My favorite room is …because… This is my home. It is ….I love it very much. Welcome to my home!

13 Simon Daniel 1.Is Daniel at home? 2.Who’s talking with Simon? 3.Where is Simon calling? 4.What does Simon ask Daniel’s father to do? 5. What’s his new telephone number? No, he’s not at home. Daniel’s father It’s 55572118. Simon is very happy, he is calling Daniel now. He’s calling from his new home.. To ask Daniel to call him back..

14 1. 正好是你要找的人接的电话。 A: May I speak to…? B: This is…speaking. 2. 你要找的人在的,但是是别人接的。 Just a minute./Hold on, please. 3. 你要找的人不在。 Sorry, he’s/she’s not here at the moment. Can you call back later? 4. 打错了电话,拨错号码。 Sorry, wrong number. /Can I have your number, please. /Can you say that again, please.

15 Suppose( 假设 ) you have just moved to a new house. You want to tell your friend about your home on the phone.

16 Useful expressions( 参考表达 ):  May I speak to…?  This is…speaking.  Who is calling, please?  Just a minute./Hold on, please.  Sorry, he/she is not here at the moment. Can you call back later?  Sorry, wrong number. / Can I have your number, please?  What is your new home like?  I live with…in…  Which is your favorite room?  I like…best. Making a telephone call—“I’m in my new home”

17 Exercise: speak to sb. : 和某人通话 我可以和 Miss Yang 通话吗? call from… 我正在从我学校电话。 take a message call sb back

18  Every bird likes own nest. 鸟皆爱其巢。  Everyone likes own home. 人皆爱其家。  A man's home is his castle. 一个人的家就是他的城堡.  Home is home, be it never so homely. 家虽简陋,终归是家。  There is no place like home. 世界各处不如家。  East or west, home is the best. 东好西好,还是自家好。 HOUSE LOVE M E


20 fridge sink cupboard kitchen

21 dinner table plates( 盘子 ) knives and forks ( 刀叉 ) dining room chairs cupboard

22 TV coffee table sofa sitting room

23 bathroom shower mirror toilet bath basin in the shape of star( 星形 )

24 bed lamp bedside table bedroom poster

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