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QF-EHEA EURODIACONIA 4-5 October 2007 Brussels Dr. Marlies Leegwater Head Benelux Bologna Secretariat 2007-2009.

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Presentation on theme: "QF-EHEA EURODIACONIA 4-5 October 2007 Brussels Dr. Marlies Leegwater Head Benelux Bologna Secretariat 2007-2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 QF-EHEA EURODIACONIA 4-5 October 2007 Brussels Dr. Marlies Leegwater Head Benelux Bologna Secretariat 2007-2009

2 Content of presentation General context Bologna process Why Qualifications frameworks Origin of Shared Descriptors and Overarching Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area General level –Dublin- descriptors Specific descriptors European cooperation

3 General context Bologna declaration 1999: action lines towards quality higher education by actions in 2010 Bologna Process : 46 countries, European Commission, Council of Europe, UNESCO- CEPES, EUA, EURASHE, ESU, Education International, Business Europe Specific objective: higher education structured in undergraduate – graduate; three cycles: Bachelor – Master - Doctor

4 Why qualifications frameworks? Transparency of higher education levels for: Students Employers Movement throughout system national - international

5 Origin shared “Dublin” descriptors NL/FL – NVAO Germany – ZEvA UK- subject benchmark statements Ireland, Spain……. Work in progress All defined as “learning outcomes”

6 Descriptor: 5 lines on abilities 1.Knowledge 2.Application of knowledge 3.Problem solving 4.Communication 5.Lifelong Learning Since 2005 points of reference in QF-EHEA With ECTS, Learning outcomes descriptions and Diploma Supplement

7 Bach Dublin descriptors Ma Dr 1st cycle2nd cycle3rd cycle 180-240 ECTS60-120 ECTS


9 Kopenhagen process 1.Voc-education 2.Ongoing learning lines 3.EQF-LLL 4.Descriptors, terminology 5.EQF-LLL includes QF-EHEA Levels 5,6,7,8 ~ short, first, second, third

10 Elaboration of descriptors HE 1.Tuning educational structures –EU project various subjects 2.NL 3 Technical Universities 3.Polifonia he in music 4.Eurodiaconia ? !

11 EU funds for co-operation 1.Institutions in countries 2.Each country - national agency 3.EU-tenders,Socrates/Leonardo regularly 4.Ambitions in co-operation

12 London Communiqué 2007 Attractiveness/competitiveness of EHEA Continuation of action lines, QF-EHEA Strategy for EHEA in a Global Setting Improving information on EHEA Strengthening cooperation (partnership) Policy dialogue Improving recognition

13 Bologna work programme 2007-2009 Continuous importance -quality assurance : European Standards and Guidelines for QA (ENQA conference 2nd half 2008) -Stocktaking : evaluation of integration of action lines in national legislative framework and institutional practice -Sharing experience, joint development, providing information -Spirit of inter-cultural understanding and respect

14 Eurodiaconia European cooperation Elaboration of descriptors? Joint co-operation? Shared development? Cross border benchmarking? EU-subsidy?

15 Contact details Benelux Bologna Secretariat Koning Albert II-laan 15 B-1210 Brussels (Belgium) Tel. +32 2 553 98 09 Fax +32 2 553 98 45 E-mail :

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