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Bologna Process Information Briefing Tbilisi, Georgia 22 July 2008  Cynthia Deane  Ireland (With thanks to Prof Andejs Rauhvergers, Chairman of Stocktaking.

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Presentation on theme: "Bologna Process Information Briefing Tbilisi, Georgia 22 July 2008  Cynthia Deane  Ireland (With thanks to Prof Andejs Rauhvergers, Chairman of Stocktaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bologna Process Information Briefing Tbilisi, Georgia 22 July 2008  Cynthia Deane  Ireland (With thanks to Prof Andejs Rauhvergers, Chairman of Stocktaking working group)

2 Bologna Process: background  1999 Bologna Declaration signed: action lines agreed  Goal: establish world-class EHEA by 2010  2001 Ministerial conference Prague (30 countries)  2003 Ministerial conference Berlin (33 countries)  2005 Ministerial conference Bergen: first stocktaking (41 countries) Georgia joined  2007 Ministerial conference London: second stocktaking (46 countries)  2009 Ministerial conference Louvain: third stocktaking  2010 Date for completion of all action lines

3 Priority action lines since Berlin  Degree system (three cycles)  Quality assurance  Recognition of degrees and study periods Other themes (since Bergen)  Higher education and research; employability  Lifelong learning  Joint degrees  Social dimension  Global dimension; attractiveness of the EHEA  Partnership at institutional and national levels

4 Assessing progress up to 2007 Good progress overall Best progress in implementation of: ▪ Degree system ▪ External quality assurance ▪ Transparency tools: Diploma Supplement and ECTS More work to do in: ▪ Qualifications frameworks ▪ Establishing quality improvement culture ▪ Recognition of degrees; credit systems

5 Quantifiable indicators Greatest improvement since 2005 Students in QA Access Two cycles External QA

6 Stocktaking on the Degree System Access - Fewer legal obstacles - Bridging courses - 2 levels of bachelors GEORGIA= green 2 cycles - good progress and - good potential for completion GEORGIA = light green

7  Almost all have at least started, put in place working groups  Most countries in green category had started long before 2005  GEORGIA = orange  Developing NQFs should be dealt with in a more integrated way with other strands linked to learning outcomes approach : –QA, in particular internal quality culture; –ECTS; –recognition and in particular recognition of prior learning –flexible learning paths National Qualifications frameworks: still a lot to be done

8 Student participation: greatest growth since 2005 GEORGIA = yellow Quality assurance External QA: good progress GEORGIA = orange International participation: more to be done GEORGIA = orange

9 Implementation of ESG in Quality Assurance 17 26 41 0 The indicator shows that  in one-third of countries QA system is line with the ESG,  all others have started work on implementing ESG GEORGIA = light green Conclusions on QA  formal structures for QA are in place,  there is still a lot to be done to properly implement ESG ‘Things to do’ –implement a genuine quality culture in HEIs –link internal QA with learning outcomes

10 Diploma Supplement: - good progress, - GEORGIA = green ECTS - used for transfer AND accumulation - link of credits to learning outcomes should be established GEORGIA = light green

11 Implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention  Many have amended legislation to implement LRC principles  Some countries that have not ratified LRC have already started implementing the principles  Recognition procedures, legal setup & terminology differ greatly GEORGIA = green Needs to be done:  Ensure implementation of the Convention in the autonomous HEIs  Ensure coherence in the treatment of foreign degrees across EHEA  Disseminate good recognition practices 31 5 1 3 6

12 Establishment and recognition of JDs 3216 00 0 A number of countries have recently changed legislation to encourage JDs Little information on the number of joint programmes at national level GEORGIA = light green

13  Answers demonstrate lack of clarity of the issue overall.  RPL at an early stage of development in the majority of countries GEORGIA = yellow Flexible learning paths  Some arrangements everywhere but mainly concern timing: studies in the evening, weekend, correspondence  Some admitted to HE without the typical entry qualifications  E-learning seems to be developing nearly everywhere  Few countries have truly flexible learning paths with established credit allocation for LOs acquired outside Recognition of prior learning

14 Conclusion 1: There has been good progress Best progress: ▪ Introduction of 3 cycles ▪ Access ▪ External QA ▪ Student involvement ▪ Diploma Supplement ▪ ECTS Conclusion 2: Outlook for achieving the goals is good, but there are some challenges Work to do: ▪ Qualifications frameworks ▪ Establishing quality improvement culture ▪ International participation in QA ▪ Recognition practices of degrees and credits Approach to use: ▪ Linking the different action lines ▪ Focus on learners and on learning outcomes

15 Conclusion 3 Stocktaking works well as an integral part of the Bologna Process strategy  Stocktaking recommended also for the next period  Combination of quantifiable indicators and qualitative analysis works well  Analytical part to be further strengthened  Stocktaking works better if the goals and achievements are clearly formulated

16 What can we expect by 2010? Learners in all participating countries can expect that  Three cycle system of all countries is easily understood  Quality of higher education is assured  Higher education qualifications awarded in all countries are recognised by other countries for access to education, employment and research opportunities  Higher education provides flexible learning paths that are part of lifelong learning continuum  Higher education is accessible to everyone without social or economic obstacles

17 Challenges for Georgia at the moment  Strengthen quality assurance frameworks at national and institutional levels  Promote shared responsibility for quality of HE among all partners: government, HEI governing bodies, rectors, academic community, students, employers  Build capacity in the system to support student and international participation in QA  Develop and implement national qualifications framework

18 Challenges for Bologna/EHEA 2010 and beyond  Moving from POLICY to PRACTICE  Ensuring real implementation at institutional level  Building effective and sustainable partnership for progress: policy makers, institutions, social partners, students  Unknown/ unpredictable impact of external factors: political, economic, social, technological  Making EHEA a world leader; focus on competing OR collaborating with others???

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