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Cubism Began in 1907 by Picasso and Georges Braque

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1 Cubism Began in 1907 by Picasso and Georges Braque
Dedicated “to the simplification of painting”

2 Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, The Maids of Avignon, 1907
Painting that began the cubist movement Influenced by African masks As he painted, the relationship of shapes and colors became more important than the figures Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, The Maids of Avignon, 1907

3 Mt. St. Victoire Used Paul Cezanne’s ideas that all shapes in nature are based on the sphere, cone and cylinder

4 They believed that there “was no one fixed view of nature”
Picasso and Braque carried the idea further to paint three dimensional objects from many different angles at one time They believed that there “was no one fixed view of nature”

5 Woman Seated

6 Friendship

7 Analytical Cubism Big, flat shapes broken down even further to small shards in monochromatic colors Features broken apart and reassembled Shattering pattern of geometric shapes No interest in perspective Uses neutral colors

8 Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, 1910

9 Girl with a Mandolin

10 Portrait of Wilhelm Uhde, 1910

11 Aficionado

12 Portrait of Ambroise Vollard

13 Guitar Player, 1910

14 Accordionist, 1911

15 Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending A Staircase, No. 2, 1912

16 One critic called it, “An explosion in a shingle factory”
A series of movements stopped in successive stages of action Like stop-action or strobe light photography


18 Blue 6B pencil is for scribbling on the back of your image to transfer
Use a regular pencil or a colored pencil to trace the image onto your final paper You can use a regular pencil to fracture your image Use the gray Ebony pencil for creating value







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