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التعبيــرية EXPRESSIONISM (منــذ عام 1905 ). Expressionism - Edvard Munch-Death in the Sickroom-1895.

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Presentation on theme: "التعبيــرية EXPRESSIONISM (منــذ عام 1905 ). Expressionism - Edvard Munch-Death in the Sickroom-1895."— Presentation transcript:

1 التعبيــرية EXPRESSIONISM (منــذ عام 1905 )

2 Expressionism - Edvard Munch-Death in the Sickroom-1895

3 Expressionism- Edvard Munch - Dance of Life-1900

4 expressionism- Edvard Munch The Scream

5 Expressionism- Der Blaue Reiter- Franz Marc- Foxes - 1913

6 Expressionism- Der Blaue Reiter- Kandinsky - Composition VII - 1913

7 expressionism- Gustav Klimmt Death and Life-1911

8 Expressionism- Paula Modersohn-Becker- old farmer

9 التكعيبيـة CUBISM منـذ 1907

10 Braque - Houses at L’estaque -1908

11 Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 1907 (The first cubist painting)

12 Juan Gris Portrait of Picasso, 1912

13 Georges Braque Violin and Candlestick, Paris, spring 1910

14 Cubism Analytical Cubism Picasso Girl with Mandolin 1910

15 Orphic Cubism – Robert Delaunay - Simultaneous Contrasts: Sun and Moon. Paris 1913

16 Orphic Cubism - Robert Delaunay The Three Windows, the Tower and the Wheel. 1912

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