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Published byFelicia Carroll Modified over 9 years ago
The Status of Nuclear Data above 20 MeV Masayoshi SUGIMOTO, Tokio FUKAHORI Japan Atomic Energy Agency IAEA’s Technical Meeting on Nuclear Data Libraries for Advanced Systems: Fusion Devices (NuDL:FD) 31 October – 2 November 2007, Vienna 1
1 st priority (39) 1 H, 12 C, 14 N, 16 O, 27 Al, 50,52,53,54 Cr, 54,56,57,58 Fe, 58,60,61,62,64 Ni, 63,65 Cu, 180,182,183,184,186 W, 196,198,199,200,201,202,204 Hg, 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi, 235,238 U 2 nd priority (43) 9 Be, 10,11 B, 24,25,26 Mg, 28,29,30 Si, 39,41 K, 40,42,43,44,46,48 Ca, 46,47,48,49,50 Ti, 51 V, 55 Mn, 59 Co, 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Nb, 92,94,95,96,97,98,100 Mo, 238,239,240,241,242 Pu 3 rd priority (40) 2 H, 6,7 Li, 13 C, 19 F, 23 Na, 35,37 Cl, 35,38,40 Ar, 64,66,67,68,70 Zn, 69,71 Ga, 70,72,73,74,76 Ge, 75 As, 89 Y, 181 Ta, 197 Au, 232 Th, 233,234,236 U, 237 Np, 241,242,242m,243 Am, 243,244,245,246 Cm 4 th priority (10) 15 N, 18 O, 74,76,77,78,80,82 Se, 113,115 In Nuclides with red color (66) : Released in March 2004 as JENDL/HE-2004 Nuclides with underline are revised for JENDL/HE-2007. Nuclides with blue color (36): Additionally Release in 2007 as JENDL/HE-2007 JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Target Nuclides and Priorites Neutron & Proton File up to 3 GeV (Total: 132 nuclides) 2
E < 250 MeV E > 150 MeV ECIS OPTMAN OM Cal. JQMD JAM QMD+SDM INC+GEM TOTELA Systematics FISCAL Systematics GNASH Pre-equilibrium Statistical Cal. Isotope Prod. X-sec. Light Particle DDX Total, Elastic Reaction X-sec. Total, Elastic Reaction X-sec. Transmission C. D.Inela. X-sec. Isotope Prod. X-sec. Light Particle Spectra Fraction of MSD Fission X-sec. JENDL/HE JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Evaluation Methods and Tools 3
No global and wide energy range phenomenological potential parameter set previously OMP for Cluster Particles Kalbach’s model made significant underestimation for cluster particle emission spectra. Cluster Particle Emission Simple folding potential parameter sets new Iwamoto-Harada-Sato Preequilibrium Model (< 100 MeV) new JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Newly Adopted are … Above are applied for 56 Fe, Zr, Nb, W, Pb and Bi. 4
Based on methods proposed by Madland Simple Folding Potential target U(E)U(E) Alpha-Particle Potential e.g. ) neutron proton = U n (E/4) U p (E/4) target neutron ×2×2 proton ×2×2 Kunieda-Chiba-Shibata (2007) Potential for neutron and proton 1 keV-200 MeV, 26 < A < 238 JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY OMP for Cluster Particles 5
56 Fe 90 Zr 120 Sn 208 Pb Angle (deg.) / rth. Deuteron Elastic Scattering Exp. dataPresentBojowald (`88) 6
58 Ni 89 Y 208 Pb 232 Th Angle (deg.) / rth. Exp. dataPresentBecchetti (`69) Triton Elastic Scattering 7
58 Ni 90 Zr 120 Sn 208 Pb Angle (deg.) / rth. He-3 Elastic Scattering Exp. dataPresent 8
Total Absorption Cross Section 3 He + 118 Sn Present Becchetti Not Good Exp. 9
64 Zn 92 Mo 107 Ag 208 Pb Angle (deg.) / rth. Exp. dataPresentAvrigeanu (`94) Alpha Elastic Scattering 10
Preequilibrium Model for Cluster Particles Emission Rate of Cluster Particles Formation Factors Iwamoto-Harada-Sato Model 2p-1h State EfEf Inverse X-sec ( e.g. Target ) Optical Model 11
Fe(n,x ) Spectrum ENDF/B-VII JEFF-3.1 This work Sylpen+ (2004) E n = 62.7 MeV 12
Pb(n,x ) Spectrum ENDF/B-VII JEFF-3.1 This work Blideanu+ (2004) E n = 96 MeV 13
JENDL-HE2004 ENDF/B-VI JEFF-3.1 Fe(n,x ) Cross Section Baba+(1994) Haight+(2004) Incident Neutron Energy (MeV) (barn) Present ENDF/B-VII adopts exp. data. 14
Sample of Evaluated Results Isotope production cross sections : 12 C 15
Sample of Evaluated Results Isotope production cross sections : 12 C, 27 Al 16
Sample of Evaluated Results Isotope production cross sections : 56 Fe 17
Sample of Evaluated Results Isotope production cross sections : 63,65 Cu 18
Coupled Channel -Soft Rotator Model Elastic scattering angular distributions : 28 Si Sample of Evaluated Results 19
Elastic scattering angular distributions : Fe Sample of Evaluated Results 20
90 MeV 120 MeV 160 MeV DDXs of 90 Zr(p,xn DDXs of 90 Zr(p,xn) Sample of Evaluated Results 21
“Transmission through shields of quasi-monoenergetic neutrons generated by 43- and 68-MeV proton” Ref.) N. Nakao et al., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 124, 228 (1996). H. Nakashima et al., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 124, 243 (1996). Neutron spectrum of p+ 7 Li Experimental arrangement @ TIARA, JAERI Benchmark Calculation (TIARA Experiment) 22
Shield Iron Concrete 20 cm 10- 200 cm Neutron Beam by 43 MeV p+ 7 Li 68 MeV p+ 7 Li Detector JENDL High Energy File (JENDL/HE) JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Ref.) N. Nakao et al., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 124, 228 (1996). H. Nakashima et al., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 124, 243 (1996). Integral Experiment at TIARA 23
Ep=68 MeV t=70 cm Ep=68 MeV t=100 cm Integral Experiment at TIARA JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY 24 (JENDL/HE-2007)
Benchmark Calculation (TIARA Experiment - Fe) Ep=68 MeV t=20 cm Ep=68 MeV t=40 cm 25
Benchmark Calculation (TIARA Experiment - Fe) Ep=43 MeV t=70 cm Ep=43 MeV t=40 cm 26
Benchmark Calculation (TIARA Experiment - Concrete ) Ep=68 MeV t=100 cm Ep=68 MeV t=200 cm 27
Benchmark Calculation (TIARA Experiment - Concrete ) Ep=68 MeV t=25 cm Ep=68 MeV t=50 cm 28
Benchmark Calculation (TIARA Experiment - Concrete ) Ep=43 MeV t=25 cm Ep=43 MeV t=50 cm 29
Proton Energy: 250 and 350 MeV Target: Graphite, Al, Fe, Pb Target Thickness : full stop Measured Angle : 0 ° Flight Distance: 11.4 m and 67.8 m (250MeV proton), 11.4 m and 95 m (350MeV proton) (NE213 organic liquid scintillator) RCNP at Osaka Univ. Integral Experiment at RCNP JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Experimental Set-up 30
CodeINC modelEvaluated nuclear dataProton and neutron transition energy (MeV) PHITSBertiniJENDL-HE150 PHITSBertiniLA150150 JENDL-HE: nat C (including 13 C) LA150 : 12 C Integral Experiment at RCNP JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Case1: JENDL-HE vs. LA150 31
CodeINC modelEvaluated nuclear dataProton and neutron transition energy (MeV) PHITSBertiniJENDL-HE150 PHITS-JENDL-HE- Integral Experiment at RCNP JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Case2: JENDL-HE with Bertini Parameterization vs. no INC 32
30km ~ 12km Mt. Fuji (3.8km) Proton (10 6 GeV) Shower in air Blue: neutron, proton, etc. Red: electron, photon, etc. Green: muon Proton Application (Neutron Spectra Due to Cosmic-ray) JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Database for Cosmic-ray Environment Earth Atmosphere Model PHITS JENDL/HE 33
Calculated Results Application (Neutron Spectra Due to Cosmic-ray) JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Height 11.8km See Level Measured by Nakamura+ Present Simulation Neutron Energy Neutron Flux Height 11.8km Height 4.88km See Level Measured by Nakamura+ Present Simulation Present Formula Neutron Energy Neutron Flux 34
Results of some analyses using JENDL/HE were also introduced as those of benchmark calculations. The calculations using JENDL/HE show good performance. Reviewed were status of method and tools of the evaluation for JENDL High Energy File (JENDL/HE-2007). Especially, improvements of cluster-particle emission spectra and production cross sections. Summary JAPAN ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY The first version of JENDL/HE (JENDL/HE-2004 ) has been released in March, 2004 with neutron and proton nuclear data of 66 nuclides up to 3 GeV. Soon, the second version of JENDL/HE (JENDL/HE-2007) will be released with those of totally over 100 nuclides including actinide ones. 35
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