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IPPC transposition and experience with its implementation in the Czech Republic ?? …!! AjPíPíSí ??

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Presentation on theme: "IPPC transposition and experience with its implementation in the Czech Republic ?? …!! AjPíPíSí ??"— Presentation transcript:

1 IPPC transposition and experience with its implementation in the Czech Republic ?? …!! AjPíPíSí ??

2 Content of presentation Preparation for transposition Institutional building Legal framework – permitting procedure BAT information exchange system IPPC implementation in practice Lessons

3 Negotiation with EC Implementation plan (handbook of implementation) Transposition  IPPC act + subsidiary regulation NO Transitory period  communication with 700 operators New operations since 1999/2000  apply for IPPC permit by 31.3.2003

4 Preparation for implementation 1. Draft Act + impact assessment – negotiation (est. of cost for industry 0,3 – 1 bilion EUR) 2. Implementation plan - reports to Brussels + list of IPPC installation 3. Meeting with operators – seminars, web, direct mail, info centre 4. Participation in IEF, IPPC expert group, TWGs, Translation of BREFs 5. Pilot projects 6. EC peer reviews on the state of preparation 2002, 3

5 Overview of installations Operators: 750 Instalations: 1312 How to get the list?

6 Institutional building and competencies institutionstaffcompetencies MoE – IPPC unit/ IPPC and EIA dept. 7Appeal body, transboundary permits, interpretation of legis.,… 14 RA – IPPC units since 2002 14*2 (4) Permitting bodies, permit reviews AIP, CEU – since 2002 30Assessment of IPPC permit application, IPRegister, assist in permit reviews, info exchange CEInspectorate – 9 regional offices 15-20Regular inspection, comment on application MTI2BAT info exchange, CR IEF Total 100 out of 144 planned

7 Legal framework Act no. 76/2002 Coll., on IPPC and IPRegister - in force on 1.1.2003 - Transposition of IPPC Directive + PRTR protocol Special - Special act to media and corresponding legislation Decree no. 554/2002 Coll.,on integrated permit application Gov. Decree no. 63/2003 Coll., on BAT information exchange system Gov. Decree no. 368/2003 Coll., on integrated pollution register

8 Integrated permitting procedure

9 Setting permit conditions In practice for existing installation often JUST replacement of former media based permits, decision, statements,… BAT for the sector The local conditions and EQS and EQS PERMIT - site - site specific specific ELV and requirements in legislation -other directives -Technical norms -Previous permits, approvals Requirements of effected authorities

10 BAT information exchange system Gov. Decree 63/2003 Coll. Sets: TWG support participation of in EU TWGs and technical support of Czech IPPC…finances?? MoE, MTI, MoA - responsible for translating BREFs Czech Information exchange forum – (TWGs, permitting auth., MoE, MTI, MoA, CEI, AIP, NGOs,…) – linking web for all info on IPPC Interpretation/guide on use of BREFs in permitting???

11 BAT aplication ?? Comparison with BAT – in application: Use sectoral or horizontal BREFs Use sectoral studies Comparison with competitors and info from suppliers of technologies Assess consideration from annex 4 Use UK guidance on www.environment- www.environment- In practice „WE HAVE BAT because it was EXPENSIVE“ Support BAT programs – State Env. Fund

12 Implementation in practice 1) 196 decision on IP + 100 application in the process 2) Need for negotiation of extent and content of application before official procedure 3) Best applications made by operators (3 months) 4) BAT assessment …???…different approaches 5) Operators rarely willing to specify improvements plans 6) EQS - Regional env. plans and local env. priorities – Available/How to use? 7) Lack of staff on RA and AIP, lack of practical guidance

13 Projects 4 PHARE projects with Germ., Denmark, UK, Hol.: - pilot applications, permit - LCP, Overview of Surface treatments techniques in CR Assessment of steel industry preparedness Guidance for landfills to fill the application for IPPC permit Instruction for IPPC system application for operators Assessment of the application of the BREF on Economic and crossmedia aspects in CR

14 Lessons What to define first - permit or application content and template? How to from media based to integrated permitting – administration conflicts Coordination of more institutions - (RA, CEI, RHyg.Off., AIP, LA, MoE) – how to make it work List of installation – base for planning and for interpretation ‘who falls in’ Preparation of permitting authorities - early pilot projects Financing technical support of state admin. (AIP, TWGs)… 1 st round of permits => operators document’s inventory => improve

15 Useful contacts in CR Czech Environmental institute Agency for Integrated Prevention, Kodanska 10, 100 10 Prague 10, MoE website: CEInspectorate website: Monika Přibylová ENVIROS, s.r.o. Na Rovnosti 1, 130 00 Prague 3 T: +420 603 96 46 34;

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