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Remas project remas project EMS and PERFORMANCE IEMA 2004 workshop 19 May 2004 Martyn Cheesbrough Project Manager

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Presentation on theme: "Remas project remas project EMS and PERFORMANCE IEMA 2004 workshop 19 May 2004 Martyn Cheesbrough Project Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 remas project remas project EMS and PERFORMANCE IEMA 2004 workshop 19 May 2004 Martyn Cheesbrough Project Manager

2 remas linking environmental management and performance Workshop -objectives and style- Provide and update on remas Provide and update on remas Involve you in defining the /remas criteria’ Involve you in defining the /remas criteria’ INTERACTIVE – questions & feedback INTERACTIVE – questions & feedback CONTEXT – see other presentations CONTEXT – see other presentations

3 3 Activity no 1 - ‘gather round’ INDUSTRY OTHERS GOVERN-MENT

4 remas in brief Once upon a time …. remas linking environmental management and performance

5 A pan-European project that examines the value of environmental management systems in the context of regulation remas linking environmental management and performance

6 6 Who is involved? The Environment Agency Scottish EPA Irish EPA Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment EU LIFE environment European Environment Agency IMPEL

7 How many have seen the last two slides before? remas linking environmental management and performance Activity no 2 - ‘counting’

8 remas linking environmental management and performance Project Objectives - define ‘robust EMS’ - To define the components of the EMS and/or particular implementation that leads to improved performance – the ‘remas criteria’ To define the components of the EMS and/or particular implementation that leads to improved performance – the ‘remas criteria’ To demonstrate these criteria can be implemented at a number of sites, and lead to better performance To demonstrate these criteria can be implemented at a number of sites, and lead to better performance

9 remas linking environmental management and performance Project Objectives - the remas graph - To gather data on environmental performance of industrial sites and correlate this with the level of EMS To gather data on environmental performance of industrial sites and correlate this with the level of EMS Engagement With EMS Environmental performance

10 10 Project timetable Nov 02 to June 03 - project set-up Nov 02 to June 03 - project set-up June 03 to June 04 - data gathering June 03 to June 04 - data gathering June 04 to Sept 04 - analysis June 04 to Sept 04 - analysis Sept 04 to Sept 05 - implement remas criteria Sept 04 to Sept 05 - implement remas criteria Oct 05 to Nov 05 - reporting Oct 05 to Nov 05 - reporting

11 11 Where are we now Implementing questionnaire based on partner definition of remas criteria and environmental performance measurement Implementing questionnaire based on partner definition of remas criteria and environmental performance measurement Setting up for phase 2 Setting up for phase 2 remas criteria review remas criteria review Recruitment Recruitment Designing the analysis Designing the analysis

12 12 Remas criteria: a definition ‘... those elements of an EMS that are key to improving environmental performance and aiding regulation...’ remas linking environmental management and performance

13 How many agree a robust EMS should lead to improved performance and support regulatory activity? remas linking environmental management and performance Activity no 3 - ‘feedback’

14 14 partner experience Phase 1 Q’s Phase 1 remas criteria Phase 2 Q’s IMPEL Imple- ment Industry Certifiers Final remas criteria Remas criteria: development remas linking environmental management and performance

15 15 Real data remas linking environmental management and performance

16 16 Real data outputs remas linking environmental management and performance Having better management commitment appears to be more significant than public statements

17 17 Real data outputs remas linking environmental management and performance Having amore robust EMS appears to influence compliance but not emissions (example is water) but not emissions (example is water)

18 How many agree that having this sort of data is important? Count by group.. remas linking environmental management and performance Activity no 4 - ‘feedback’

19 19 partner experience Phase 1 Q’s Phase 1 remas criteria Phase 2 Q’s IMPEL Imple- ment Industry Certifiers Final remas criteria Remas criteria: development remas linking environmental management and performance

20 20 RC: EM as a system remas linking environmental management and performance www.remas.infopolicySiteManagement procedure training audit compliance emissions efficiency Raw materials Remascriteria

21 For each of the next three slides answer in groups: Are we on the right track? Are we on the right track? Are we on the same planet? Are we on the same planet? Are we in a different universe? Are we in a different universe? remas linking environmental management and performance Activity no 4 - ‘discussion’

22 remas linking environmental management and performance RC 1 - compliance (a)EMS = achieve & maintain compliance (a)EMS = achieve & maintain compliance (b) Certifiers should carry out a thorough check of permits & confirm means to demonstrate comp. (d) Inspecting body should be notified of absence of permit/non-compliance (e) Non-compliance at a certified EMS to trigger corrective action notified to regulator (c) Certifiers should check the regulatory body is familiar with the site

23 remas linking environmental management and performance RC 2 – Aspects & impacts (f)Aspect review = walk around + permit check + control measures + contractor + changes (f)Aspect review = walk around + permit check + control measures + contractor + changes (h) Certifier to confirm review of BAT (j) Certifier to check existence and testing of emergency plan (g) Operator to provide annual emission data + EMP review + 1 year forward look (i) Certifier to see monitoring data + evidence of maintenance

24 remas linking environmental management and performance RC 3 – Accreditation (k) Accreditation should be consistent in Europe (k) Accreditation should be consistent in Europe (m) Overlapping competences for inspectors/certifiers (o) Joint site audits (at major changes?) (l) Routine evidence of accreditation should be made available to the regulators (& others) (n) Copies of certification reports made available to regulator

25 25 Questions? remas linking environmental management and performance Register a site to take part in data collection – see me here or do it @ Receive info – leave Bus. card + ‘info’ Participate in development of remas criteria Bus. card + ‘remas criteria’

26 remas linking environmental management and performance Links and contacts REMAS project, Environment Agency, Block 1 Government Buildings, Burghill Road, Westbury-on-Trym, BS10 6BF or +44 (0) 7768 276947

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