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September 2015 Town of the Blue Mountains Citizen Satisfaction Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2015 Town of the Blue Mountains Citizen Satisfaction Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2015 Town of the Blue Mountains Citizen Satisfaction Survey


3 The objectives of the 2015 Citizen Satisfaction survey were to:  Provide insight into the areas of operation and service delivery that require the most immediate attention in order to improve citizen satisfaction;  Establish benchmarks to evaluate progress of initiatives going forward; and,  Identify spending priorities over the next few years

4  Research was conducted via live agent Computer-Assisted-Telephone-Interviewing (CATI) of full-time and part-time residents in the Town of the Blue Mountains  Respondents were called from July 7 th to July 16 th, 2015 (Evening and weekend calling only)  A total of 416 interviews were completed, each approximately 12 minutes in length  The margin of error was +/-5, at the 95% confidence interval level.

5 S.2. When it comes to living in the Town of The Blue Mountains, would you consider yourself a...? Quota: n=100 *Custom list of part- time respondents was included in the sample Randomly generated sample list


7 Q1. Thinking about all of the services offered by the Town of The Blue Mountains, would you say you are...?

8 Top 2 Box %: 98% 96% 95% 93% 92% 90% 87% 86%

9 Top 2 Box %: 85% 83% 82% 81% 80% 76% 71% 67% 60%

10 RankServiceImportanceSatisfaction 1Public consultation and municipal processes0.49871% 2 Building permits, inspection services for new construction, and renovations 0.31560% 3General road condition and maintenance0.31167% 4Communications0.35981% 5Bylaw and parking enforcement0.33880% 6Cycling Infrastructure0.26876% 7Clerk’s office / Council and general inquiries0.49287% 8Water and waste-water supply0.34082% 9Financial Services0.33584% 10Road snow removal0.35085% 11Sidewalk snow removal0.28283% 12Garbage / Recycling Collection0.31986% 13Facility Booking0.39890% 14Recreation Facilities0.28086% 15Online Services0.36990% 16Election / Voting0.33290% 17Parks and greenspace maintenance0.32592% 18Police Services0.24593% 19Walking Trails0.23995% 20Fire and Emergency services0.24696% 21Public Library0.17198% High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority

11 Key points to understanding Derived Importance: Derived Importance is a correlation-based model If something is “important” it means it has a shared variance with the end variable (i.e. overall satisfaction with services) that is not due to chance/randomness Forum research takes into account both importance (i.e. correlation analysis) and performance (i.e. satisfaction with service) to determine which areas are most worth focusing on to drive higher overall satisfaction results.

12 Q3. Have you had any personal contact (via in-person, telephone, email etc.) with a municipal employee over the past 12 months?

13 Q5. Based on your most recent experience and contact with the Town, please rate your satisfaction for each of the following statements on a 5-point scale, where 1 means "very dissatisfied" and 5 means "very satisfied”. Starting with…

14 Q6. And again, based on your most recent experience and contact with the Town, please rate the performance of the staff by telling me the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement on a 5-point scale, where 1 means "strongly disagree” and 5 means “strongly agree”.

15 Q7. Again, based on this most recent experience and contact with the Town, in the end, did you...?

16 Q8. Overall, how satisfied were you with this service?

17 Q9. Thinking about all of the programs and services you receive from the Town of The Blue Mountains, how much value do you feel you get for your tax dollars? Would you say you get...?

18 Q11. In order to help guide what projects the Town of The Blue Mountains should focus on in the next few years, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is a low priority and 10 is a very high priority, please rate how much of a spending priority each of the following is to you.

19 Questions?

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