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Published bySilvester George Modified over 9 years ago
By Deon Ervans
Around 1860 baseball was introduced to Cuba. The Cubans had learned the game from kids that had come back from school in the united states. Soon they started a baseball club. That baseball club was the Fordham baseball club.
They believed that baseball showed freedom and egalitarianism. Esteban Bellan was the first Cuban to play major league in the united states. Between 1863 and 1868 bellan played baseball for the Fordham hill baseball club.
Around 1878 there were three teams the Almendares, Habana, and Mantanzas On December 29, 1978 the first Cuban baseball game was played Habana played against Almendares and won 21 to 20 The Habana teams captain was bellan Bellan then took the team all the way to the championship game to win
There were forty-two paces from home to first and forty-two paces from home to third base The game has 21 counts or aces The first team to score 21 aces (now called runs) to win Before 1884 you had to pitch the baseball underhand If a ball is knocked outside the range of the first and third base it’s foul
In 1858 fouls were counted as strikes If a batter swings and misses it is considered a strike If the ball is hit into the air and is caught it is considered a handout If a runner is touched with the ball they are out
The protective gear you see in the lower right corner is for a catcher The helmet/facemask is to protect the catcher from getting hit in the head or face The body padding is to protect the catcher from getting hurt in the chest or stomach area if he/she does not catch the ball The shin guards are to protect the catcher from getting a broken shin
The protective gear for a batter is a helmet and groin guard The helmet is to protect the batter from getting hurt extremely from a baseball A groin guard is to protect the lower area
This is one of the original baseball gloves This is one of the newer gloves This is an original baseball bat This is one of the newest baseball bats
This is one of the original baseball catcher face mask This is one of the newest baseball catcher face masks
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