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Unplug Your Mouse Workflow Automation with AutoHotKey Andrew Weidner Robert Wilson.

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Presentation on theme: "Unplug Your Mouse Workflow Automation with AutoHotKey Andrew Weidner Robert Wilson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unplug Your Mouse Workflow Automation with AutoHotKey Andrew Weidner Robert Wilson

2 Mice make simple things easy and complex things impossible.

3 Mice are useful and fun, but they tend to slow down repetitive file management tasks. Do things faster with your keyboard.

4 Keyboard Optimization: why type fifty-two keys when you can do the same thing with two? (Ctrl + 4)

5 Overview Keyboard Shortcuts AutoHotkey Scripts Tools & References Demonstration

6 Keyboard Shortcuts Windows Explorer Tab = cycle fields (add Shift to reverse) Alt + Tab = application switcher Enter = open selected file/folder Backspace = return to parent folder Alt + F + M = rename selected file/folder (also F2) Alt + F + W + F = create a new folder Home/End = go to first/last file

7 Keyboard Shortcuts ACDSee Viewer Page Down = next image Page Up = previous image (NumPad) * = fit image to window (NumPad) + = zoom in (NumPad) - = zoom out Arrow Keys = move around the image Home/End = go to first/last image

8 Keyboard Shortcuts Mozilla Firefox Ctrl + T= open new tab Ctrl + Tab= cycle tabs (add Shift to reverse) Alt + Left= go to previous page (also Backspace) Ctrl + L= focus on address bar Tab= cycle links (add Shift to reverse) Arrow Keys= scroll through the page Ctrl + B= show/hide bookmarks sidebar

9 AutoHotkey Scripts Simple: another Enter key ; plain text file with.AHK extension ; comments begin with a semicolon ; define the hotkey: Alt + a !a:: ; define the action Send, {Enter}

10 AutoHotkey Scripts Simple: type some text ; hotkey: Ctrl + 1 ^1:: ; use the ` symbol before a literal comma ; `n inserts a new line, `t inserts a tab Send, Sincerely`,`n`t

11 AutoHotkey Scripts Complex: create a folder ; hotkey: Win + k #k:: Send, {AltDown}f{AltUp} Sleep, 200 Send, w Sleep, 200 Send, f

12 AutoHotkey Scripts Complex: rename a file ; hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + r ^!r:: Send, {F2} Sleep, 200 Send, {Home} Sleep, 200 Send, 2013

13 AutoHotkey Scripts Complex: paste a file in multiple folders Pause::Pause ; pause script with the Pause key !v:: Send, {CtrlDown}v{CtrlUp} sleep, 400 Loop { Send, {Backspace} Sleep, 1400 Send, {Down} Sleep, 400 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 800 Send, {CtrlDown}v{CtrlUp} Sleep, 400 }

14 AutoHotkey Scripts Complex: open with Photoshop NumpadDot & NumpadEnter:: ClipMem = %Clipboard% ; save current clipboard value clipboard = Send, ^c ; copy the file name ClipWait ; insert the file name at the end of the Photoshop Run command Run, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe %clipboard% clipboard = %ClipMem% ; restore the original clipboard value Return

15 AutoHotkey Scripts Application: ETD_Metadata Finds keywords in author-provided metadata and enters them in an XML file.

16 ETD Metadata: Part 1 #Home:: DefinedAddress = DefinedKeywords = KeywordMeta = Clipboard = SendInput, {F4}{ControlDown}a{ControlUp} sleep, 200 Send ^c ClipWait Sleep, 100 DefinedAddress = %clipboard% SetWorkingDir, %DefinedAddress% Run, Wordpad.exe index.docx WinWaitActive, index Open author-provided metadata  Declare blank variables for future use  Copy file path  Assign file path to variable  Open index.docx file in Wordpad

17 ETD Metadata: Part 2 Keywords: Sleep, 100 clipboard = SendInput, {CtrlDown}f{CtrlUp} WinWaitActive, Find Sleep, 100 SendInput, Keywords Sleep, 100 SendInput, {Enter}{Esc} Sleep, 100 SendInput, {Tab} Send ^c ClipWait DefinedKeywords = %clipboard%  Function title  Open Find dialog  Type ‘Keywords’  Copy text  Store text in variable for later use Find Keywords

18 ETD Metadata: Part 3 /* Comma + space occurrences in DefinedKeywords variable are replaced with Tab so keywords are sent to appropriate fields later */ StringReplace, DefinedKeywords, DefinedKeywords, `,%A_Space%, %a_tab%, all ; create window for keyword input, separated into individual variables KeywordWindow: Gui, 30:+AlwaysOnTop Gui, 30:Add, Text, x6 y6 w100, Keyword1: Gui, 30:Add, Edit, x6 y+5 w100 vKeyword1 Gui, 30:Add, Text, x6 y6 w100, Keyword2: Gui, 30:Add, Edit, x6 y+5 w100 vKeyword2 ; code repeats to Keyword10 Create GUI for Keyword Input

19 ETD Metadata: Part 4 ; submit each field as a defined variable: Keyword1-10 Gui, 30:Add, Button, x6 default, OK Gui, 30:Show,, Keywords Sleep, 100 WinActivate, Keywords SendInput, %DefinedKeywords% Sleep, 100 30GuiClose: 30ButtonOK: Gui, 30:Submit Send Keywords  Create OK Button  Send formatted keywords  Close Window

20 ETD Metadata: Part 5 IfExist, C:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.exe Run, C:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.exe metadata.xml Else Run, C:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.bat metadata.xml WinWait, jEdit Sleep, 1000 SendInput, ^{Home} Sleep, 200 Send, {ControlDown}f{ControlUp} Sleep, 200 Open Metadata XML File  Open metadata.xml in jEdit (.exe or.bat)  Wait for jEdit to load the file  Move to top of file  Open Search window

21  Wait for Search window to open  Search for ‘#Keywordmeta’  Close Search window ‘#Keywordmeta’ is highlighted ETD Metadata: Part 6 Prepare for Keyword Entry WinWait, Search And Replace, IfWinNotActive, Search And Replace,, WinActivate, Search And Replace, WinWaitActive, Search And Replace, SendInput, {#}{ShiftDown}k{ShiftUp}eywordmeta{Enter} Sleep, 200 SendInput, {Esc}  Types ‘#Keywordmeta’

22 ETD Metadata: Part 7 If (Keyword1 <> "") SendInput, %Keyword1% Sleep, 100 If (Keyword2 <> "") SendInput, `r %Keyword2% Sleep, 100 ; code repeats to Keyword10 Enter Keywords  Send keywords stored in variables (IF they exist!)

23 Tools & References AutoHotkey Recorder: produces script code Mobile AutoHotkey: use on any Windows system AutoIt Window Spy: screen coordinates & title info Website: Documentation: Forum:

24 Demonstration ETD_Metadata (rw) SuperPaste (rw) OpenWithPhotoshop (rw) TDNP_Microfilm (aw) NewspaperNotes (aw) DashboardTools (aw)

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