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1 What do you men by “liberal?” No one wants to be labeled a “liberal.”

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Presentation on theme: "1 What do you men by “liberal?” No one wants to be labeled a “liberal.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What do you men by “liberal?” No one wants to be labeled a “liberal.”

2 2 What do you men by “liberal?” No one wants to be labeled a “liberal.” There is a spirit that turns away from God’s word (1 Cor 4:6; 2 Jn 9)

3 3 What do you men by “liberal?” No one wants to be labeled a “liberal.” There is a spirit that turns away from God’s word (1 Cor 4:6; 2 Jn 9) I want to open hearts

4 4 What do you men by “liberal?” No one wants to be labeled a “liberal.” There is a spirit that turns away from God’s word. (1 Cor 4:6; 2 Jn 9) I want to open hearts Will you be tested?

5 5 The Sinfulness of Division I became committed to open study when I left denominationalism.

6 6 The Sinfulness of Division I became committed to open study when I left denominationalism. These passages must be in the heart of every Christian. (Jn 17:20-23; 1 Cor 1:10)

7 7 The Sinfulness of Division I became committed to open study when I left denominationalism. These passages must be in the heart of every Christian. (Jn 17:20-23; 1 Cor 1:10) My brother soon joined me in leaving the Baptist church.

8 8 Reasons I Did Not Leave Personal Preference

9 9 Reasons I Did Not Leave Personal Preference Friendliness and Associations

10 10 Reasons I Did Not Leave Personal Preference Friendliness and Associations Moral Purity

11 11 Reasons I Did Not Leave Personal Preference Friendliness and Associations Moral Purity Zeal

12 12 Reasons I Did Not Leave Personal Preference Friendliness and Associations Moral Purity Zeal Activities

13 13 Reasons I Did Not Leave Personal Preference Friendliness and Associations Moral Purity Zeal Activities Personal Offence

14 14 Reasons I Did Not Leave Personal Preference Friendliness and Associations Moral Purity Zeal Activities Personal Offence Personal Opportunities

15 15 What Are the Issues? Many had no idea

16 16 What Are the Issues? Many had no idea Others rashly misrepresented others

17 17 What Are the Issues? Many had no idea Others rashly misrepresented others Some tried to limit questions to a single emotional issue

18 18 What Are the Issues? Many had no idea Others rashly misrepresented others Some tried to limit questions to a single emotional issue Labels without any meaning were commonly used --- “anti” – “liberal”

19 19 What Are the Issues? Many had no idea Others rashly misrepresented others Some tried to limit questions to a single emotional issue Labels without any meaning were commonly used --- “anti” – “liberal” Consider the division in 1900 that resulted in the Christian church denomination.

20 20 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Authority: –“no pattern” –Traditions – important men..

21 21 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Authority: –“no pattern” –Traditions – Important men. Bible Doctrine Authority: The Bible alone is sufficient. (2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Thess 5:21)

22 22 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Authority: –“no pattern” –Traditions – important men. Local churches –No difference in the church and individual. Bible Doctrine Authority: The Bible alone (2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Thess 5:21)

23 23 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Authority: –“no pattern” –Traditions – important men. Local churches –No difference in the church and individual. Bible Doctrine Authority: The Bible alone (2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Thess 5:21) Local Churches There is a difference! (Mt 18:15-17; 1 Tim 5:16)

24 24 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Organization: –Orphan Homes, Colleges, Sponsoring Church…. Local churches Bible Doctrine

25 25 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Organization: –Orphan Homes, Colleges, Sponsoring Church…. Local churches Bible Doctrine Organization: –Elders, Deacons, and Members (1 Pet 5:1,2; Acts 20:28; 14:23; 2 Cor 8:12-13)

26 26 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Organization: –Orphan Homes, Colleges, Sponsoring Church…. Local churches Worship: –Choirs, entertainment special days. Bible Doctrine Organization: –Elders, Deacons, and Members (1 Pet 5:1,2; Acts 20:28; 14:23; 2 Cor 8:12-13)

27 27 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Organization: –Orphan Homes, Colleges, Sponsoring Church…. Local churches Worship: –Choirs, entertainment special days. Bible Doctrine Organization: –Elders, Deacons, and Members (1 Pet 5:1,2; Acts 20:28; 14:23; 2 Cor 8:12-13) Worship: –God’s Plan: (Gal 4:10-11; 1 Cor 16:1-2; Jn 4:23-24)

28 28 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Work –Spiritual –Social –“Fellowship” Halls –Allowed if it “does good” Bible Doctrine

29 29 Why I Left Liberalism Human Doctrines Work –Spiritual –Social –“Fellowship” Halls –Allowed if it “does good” Bible Doctrine Work –How did God equip the church? (Eph 4:11-12; Jn 6:44, 26-27) –How are we building?

30 30 My Struggle to Stand I tried hard to defend my brethren

31 31 My Struggle to Stand I tried hard to defend my brethren Almost no one would reasonably study with me.

32 32 My Struggle to Stand I tried hard to defend my brethren Almost no one would reasonably study with me. While struggling I never lost faith in God’s word. (Rom 3:4)

33 33 My Struggle to Stand I tried hard to defend my brethren Almost no one would reasonably study with me. While struggling I never lost faith in God’s word. (Rom 3:4) My love for God forced me to take a stand.

34 34 My Struggle to Stand I tried hard to defend my brethren Almost no one would reasonably study with me. While struggling I never lost faith in God’s word. (Rom 3:4) My love for God forced me to take a stand. Apostasy does not stand still.

35 35 A DISTURBING CONVERSATION Todd Clippard ….As many of you are aware, the University Church of Christ in Tuscaloosa, Alabama has invited Baptist preacher Tony Campolo to speak at this year's Youth in Action (YIA) in Birmingham, Alabama. The date is the weekend of December 27. …. When I asked him if he was aware that Tony Campolo was not a Christian, I received the following reply: “You mean he's not a member of the church of Christ.” To which I replied, “What's the difference?” His response, “I believe God is a lot bigger than the Church of Christ.

36 36 A DISTURBING CONVERSATION Todd Clippard …. After a lengthy discussion regarding the essentiality of baptism, I asked him if he would defend this statement, *All accountable individuals must be baptized in order to be saved.* He refused, and tried to use the thief on the cross as an example to prove his point! He then told me that a young girl (about 14 he said) came to him earlier this week and desired to become a Christian, but since her parents could not come that night, would it be OK to wait until Sunday. He then asked me, “Are you telling me that if that girl dies before Sunday, that she will be lost?”

37 37 A DISTURBING CONVERSATION Todd Clippard …. Anyway, I have heard someone explain from the Greek that Mark 16:16 can be translated “because you're already saved.”” I pulled every modern translation I could get my hands on and told him I could not find a single one that so translated the text. He was not satisfied. (I suspect, in his confusion, he was referring to Acts 2:38 and the Baptist explanation of the phrase “for remission of sins”). He then said, “I just have a lot more faith in Jesus than in baptism.” I replied, “How can you separate Jesus from what He taught. Jesus commanded baptism.” At that point he said he was very busy and thanked me for calling.

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