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~Spooky~ Action at a Distance by Karah Manninng. The Non-Local Universe  EPR Paradox oEinstein and Bohr debates about uncertainty oEinstein and colleagues.

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Presentation on theme: "~Spooky~ Action at a Distance by Karah Manninng. The Non-Local Universe  EPR Paradox oEinstein and Bohr debates about uncertainty oEinstein and colleagues."— Presentation transcript:

1 ~Spooky~ Action at a Distance by Karah Manninng

2 The Non-Local Universe  EPR Paradox oEinstein and Bohr debates about uncertainty oEinstein and colleagues Podolsky and Rosen oQuantum Mechanics - incomplete oSilly Idea: “Every element in the physical theory must have a counterpart in the physical reality” oMeasure one of a pair

3 Bohr Vs. Einstein Bohr Nothing is certain! Einstein Everything must be certain!

4 Bohr Vs. Einstein Bohr Proxy does not count! Einstein Can measure by proxy!

5 And the Winner is… Bohr! Awww…

6 Spin Up...Spin Down oOnce “down” electrons are filtered, the opposite continuing beam of “up” electrons become “down”. oThere must be “hidden variables” oBell’s Theorem

7 ~Non-Locality~

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