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Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.1 “The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible” - Albert Einstein.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.1 “The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible” - Albert Einstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.1 “The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible” - Albert Einstein

2 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.2 Why is the universe ~100% Matter?

3 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.3 Study Matter/AntiMatter with BaBar

4 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.4 SuperK Sees that Neutrinos have Mass. Why?  481 MeV muon neutrino (MC) produces 394 MeV muon which later decays at rest into 52 MeV electron.  Size of PMT corresponds to amount of light seen by the PMT. PMTs are drawn as a flat squares even though in reality they look more like huge flattened golden light bulbs. Muon neutrino muon electron

5 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.5 Study Neutrino Mass with MINOS Near Detector: 980 tons Far Detector: 5400 tons Det. 2 Det. 1

6 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.6 What is accelerating Cosmic Rays?

7 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.7 Study cosmic rays with The Auger Observatory

8 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.8 What is the Dark Energy Accelerating the Expansion of the Universe?

9 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.9 Study Dark Energy with SNAP! Super Nova Acceleration Probe Proposed space-based telescope that seeks to discover several extremely distant supernovae Lawrence Berkeley National Lab & University of California at Berkeley SNAP would orbit a 3-mirror, 2-meter reflecting telescope in a high orbit over the Earth’s poles, circling the globe every 1 or 2 weeks.  By repeatedly imaging just one or two large patches of sky, SNAP could gather 2,000 type Ia supernovae in a single year, 20 times the number from a decade of ground-based search. Because of enhanced sensitivity to infrared light above the atmosphere, many of these new supernovae would be at distances and redshifts far greater than any yet found.

10 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.10 Why do The Fundamental Particles have mass?

11 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.11 Use ATLAS and CMS to search for the Higgs.

12 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.12 Why is the top quark so different?  Since the top quark is so massive, maybe it can tell us about mass itself.  Theorist Chris Hill of Fermilab claims that an understanding of the origin of mass would rank as "an achievement on a par with the greatest scientific strides in history, like Newton's establishing the universal law of gravitation or Einstein's connection of energy to mass and the speed of light."

13 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.13 Study the top quark using the CDF Detector Fermilab; p.13 ©2004 Richard E. Hughes

14 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.14

15 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.15

16 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.16

17 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.17

18 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.18 What is Dark Matter?

19 Richard E. Hughes lastClass p.19 Look for Dark Matter with GLAST

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