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Efficient, Transparent, and Strategic Management Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba Ag. Vice Chancellor Makerere University

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient, Transparent, and Strategic Management Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba Ag. Vice Chancellor Makerere University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient, Transparent, and Strategic Management Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba Ag. Vice Chancellor Makerere University

2 Setting the Context: Definitions Efficient:  Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort having and using requisite knowledge, skills and industry  Efficiency is derived from continuous process improvement----Re-engineering of processes “ The highest degree of madness is to continue doing the same thing in the same way and expect to get different results” Albert Einstein

3 Setting the Context: Definitions Transparent: An act of transparency  Transparency: the quality of being transparent  Able to be seen through, clear, pellucid; pervious to rays; easily detected, understood; obvious, evident; ingenuous, frank; shining through  This deals with our structures, do our stakeholders know where to go and what to expect....??

4 Setting the Context: Definitions Strategic Related to or concerned with strategy Strategy An Elaborate and systematic plan of action Strategic planning A disciplined, coordinated, systematic, and sustained effort that enables an organization to fulfill its mission and achieve it vision.

5 Five Tasks of Strategic Planning Forming a strategic vision Setting objectives Crafting a strategy to achieve the desired outcomes Implementing and executing the chosen strategy Evaluating performance, monitoring new developments, and initiating corrective adjustments

6 Improve Cost Efficiency Enhance Long-term Shareholder Value Increase Revenue Growth Enhance Brand Image Build High Performance Products Achieve Operational Excellence Develop Strategic Competencies Drive Demand through Customer Relation Management Manage Dramatic Growth through Innovation Implement Good Environmental Policy Build Learning Culture Expand Capabilities with Technology Strategic Objectives in Four Perspectives Financial Customer Internal Process Learning & Growth Expand Market Share

7 The Perspective! Mandate of a University: Teaching and Learning, Research and Knowledge transfer The Issue: How do we undertake our mandate in perspective the 3 attributes i.e. Efficient, Transparent & Strategic? A time for reflection? Is it not time for Universities to reflect on the ways we implement our mandate especially public Universities?

8 The Reality Public Institutions have gaps in the three attributes Leadership of the public institutions has left a lot to be desired in line with the three attributes Our thinking has to change…..processes re- engineered, people managed differently….talent ought to be nurtured

9 Our Experience at Makerere University Currently implementing a 10Year Strategic Plan 2008/09-2018/19 Vision: To be the leading institution for academic excellence and innovations in Africa. Mission: To provide innovative teaching, learning, research and services responsive to National and Global needs. Core Values: Allegiance to the Institution, Integrity, Customer responsiveness, Professionalism, & Openness to Diversity

10 Strategic Focus Areas Teaching and Learning, Research, Extension and Consultancy Services, Organization and Management, Human Resource Development, Development of Physical Infrastructure, Generation and Allocation of Funds.

11 Transition into a new era- New Positioning Institutional reforms through URAFR, & Academic Reforms Infrastructural Development Reaching out to the communities-Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Gender mainstreaming Strategic Planning 11Makerere University

12 FACT SHEET 21 Faculties/Schools and Institutes grouped into – Laboratory Based – Humanities – Service units (e.g. Library, DICTS) – Research centres (MUARIK, Buyana, MUBFS e.t.c) College Of Health Science Administrative units 9 + 2 + 1 halls of residence >300 under & postgraduate Programs 34,000 Students 1200 Academic Staff 163 Admin Staff 2500 intermediate and support staff Largest and premier Public University in Uganda. Approx USD 50m annual Budget 12Makerere University

13 60 th Graduation Jan 2010 Total Graduates; 13,767 Female 6,937 (50.4%), Male 6,830 (49.6%). PhD: 40 – Female 10 – Male 30 Masters: 1,249 Female 489 Male 760 13Makerere University

14 Key Benchmarks Quality graduates in sufficient numbers and relevant to national needs Successful results of the University’s efforts in research, Extension and consulting services, and Makerere University playing an influential role in developing public policy. Comprehensive education, covering both the Sciences and Humanities Accounts for 70% of University enrolment in Uganda 14Makerere University


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