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Reading Quiz #1 What is true about electric charges?

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1 Reading Quiz #1 What is true about electric charges?
Unlike charges repel Unlike charges attract Like charges attract Two of the above Is electric charge conserved? Yes b) No c) If no magnetic fields are present Which is a true statement about Coulomb’s law? Electrostatic force falls off like distance squared The force between two charges is inversely proportional to the amount of charge None of the above

2 Reading Quiz #2 What characterizes the electric field?
It is the associated with a charge or a charge configuration It depends on the charge of the test particle probing it Its direction and strength both depend on the position of the probe charge Two of the above The electric field lines associated with a negative charge..? Point radially outward from the charge Point radially inward toward the charge Point radially, but direction depends on sign of probe charge Go anti-clockwise around the charge … charge(s) at a distance constitute an electric dipole? Two positive b) Two negative c) A positive and a negative

3 Reading Quiz #3 2) Gauss’s Law is a relation between …
The amount of electric flux depends on Strength of the electric field Angle between surface pierced by field lines and electric field The area of the surface All of the above Two of the above 2) Gauss’s Law is a relation between … a) … area and electric flux b) …charge and electric flux c) …area and electrostatic force d) …electric potential and charge

4 Reading Quiz #4 1) Which of the following statements is NOT true? The electric potential … a. has units of Volts. b. is the electrical potential energy per unit charge. c. is a vector like the electric field. d. obeys the Principle of Superposition. 2) The product of a charge q with a potential difference Vab is equal to … a. the (minimum) work done in moving the charge from a to b. b. the change in the charge’s potential energy between a and b. c. Both of the above are true. d. Neither of the above is true.

5 Reading Quiz #5 Equipotential lines …
… are lines of equal electric field … are perpendicular to the electric field Both of the above None of the above The electric field in one dimension… … is the integral over the potential … is the integral over the potential energy … is the derivative of the potential … is the derivative of the potential energy

6 Reading Quiz #6 The charge stored in a capacitor is proportional to
a) … its capacitance b) … its resistance c) … the voltage across the capacitor plates d) Two of the above e) All of the above 2) What is the equivalent capacitance of a series of capacitors? a) sum of the individual capacitances b) inverse of the sum of the inverse capacitances

7 Reading Quiz #7 The amount of electric energy stored on a capacitor …?
a) grows with voltage and charge b) grows with voltage, declines with charge c) declines with voltage and charge d) none of above 2) Material between the plates of a capacitor is a … a) Dialectic b) Dielectric c) Dialectric d) Bimetal 3)What is the effect of material between cap. plates? Increases capacitance b) Decreases capacitance c) No effect on capacitance, but on charge on plates

8 Reading Quiz #8 Electric current is …?
The rate change of electric potential per time Amount of charge passing a point (in a wire) per time Rate change of charge per unit area Two of the above 2) Which term was NOT defined in the reading assignment? a. Resistivity. b. Current. c. Conductivity. d. Impedance. 3) Which is a form of Ohm’s law? R=V/I C=Q/V V=I/R Q=CU

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