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MAT 1234 Calculus I Section 2.1 Part II Derivatives and Rates of Change.

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Presentation on theme: "MAT 1234 Calculus I Section 2.1 Part II Derivatives and Rates of Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAT 1234 Calculus I Section 2.1 Part II Derivatives and Rates of Change

2 HW WebAssign HW 2.1 II Be sure to read the instructions carefully. Turn in the written HW at the end of your handout.

3 What do we care? How fast “things” are going The velocity of a particle The “speed” of formation of chemicals The rate of change of charges in a capacitor

4 Recall


6 So…in a chemical reaction

7 Definition (rephrase)

8 Definition (New Notation)

9 Example 1 Compare the values of 1 2 3 0

10 Example 1 Compare the slopes of the tangent lines at 1 2 3 0

11 Example 2

12 Example 2(a) What is the meaning of ?

13 Example 2(b) What is the meaning of

14 Example 2(c) How to determine the units (mg/hour)?

15 Example 3 (a) Find if (b) Find

16 Example 3 (a) Find if

17 Example 3 (a) Find if (b) Find

18 Remarks

19 Classwork Hint #2 Do NOT expand the denominator

20 Quiz Please take a look at the grader’s comments Some of you did really well Some of you have a lot of room to improve !!!! Explaining your work clearly and carefully is VERY important It is not too late to get help

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