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Essentials of Management Information Systems Introduction to MIS Course talks of Management of Information Systems…so what needs to be managed? Three parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Essentials of Management Information Systems Introduction to MIS Course talks of Management of Information Systems…so what needs to be managed? Three parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essentials of Management Information Systems Introduction to MIS Course talks of Management of Information Systems…so what needs to be managed? Three parts –Hardware –Software [the process put into code that takes inputs and makes outputs] –Information Resources [inputs at rest & the outputs] Data, Information, and Knowledge Information resources are why we have IS in the first place Hardware and Software get us there Regardless of your discipline, you need to understand MIS

2 Information Management Information must be managed just like any other organisational resource. Information management entails the following tasks : Identifying current and future information needs. Identifying information sources. Collecting the information. Storing the information. Facilitating existing methods of using information and identifying new ways of using Ensuring that information is communicated to those who need it. Ensuring information is secure. Essentials of Management Information Systems

3 Information & Technology Technology has provided new sources of information, new ways of collecting it, storing it and processing it, and new methods of communicating it. This in turn has meant that information needs have changed and will continue to change as new technologies become available. Data & information In normal everyday speech the terms data and information are used interchangeably. However, strictly speaking the terms have distinct meanings. (a) Data is the raw material for data processing. Data consists of numbers, letters and symbols and relates to facts, events, and transactions. (b) Information is data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it. Essentials of Management Information Systems

4 CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD INFORMATION The qualities of good information can be summarised in the mnemonic ACCURATE A ccurate C omplete C ost-beneficial U ser-targeted R elevant A uthoritative T imely E asy to use Essentials of Management Information Systems

5 Some Definitions… Management Information System : the combination of human and computer-based resources that result in the collection, storage, retrieval, communication and use of data for the purpose of efficient management of operations and for business planning. MIS Processes User Processes Data Flows Information Flows Decision processes Essentials of Management Information Systems

6 What is an Information system? A set of interrelated components that collect(or retrieve), process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organisation. (It can also generate product in an information services firm for others to use in decision making and control) Essentials of Management Information Systems The component parts of a system A system has three component parts: inputs, processes and outputs. Feedback enables modification of input stage)

7 IS’s serve the firm within and outwardly Essentials of Management Information Systems

8 AND YET what is MIS… In just six words … it helps management to take decisions. What does it involve? : –Data – Databases –Business and/or organisational Rules – Processes –People – Developers and users What is to be managed? –All the three above Essentials of Management Information Systems

9 Is MIS only about Computers? In just one word …….. No! Then what is it about? –A collection of data, a data mining process or a data warehouse. –Data transformation processes, adding value to data making it INFORMATION –Presentation of the Information to end-users at various levels in order to support specific business functions and decision-making processes. Essentials of Management Information Systems

10 Is MIS the same as Information Systems or Information Systems Management? In some words MIS englobes Information Systems development in all its stages Planning Analysis Design Implementation Maintenance Essentials of Management Information Systems

11 Is MIS the same as Information Systems or Information Systems Management? But also the Information Systems management including systems and database administration and project management And more important about People: –management of the developers –management of the requirements, the apprehensions and the fears associated with all information systems project by end- users –management of all the stages of the project including the liasion between the developers and the end-users. Essentials of Management Information Systems

12 Why (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS? IS knowledge is essential for managers because most organisations need information systems to survive and prosper. Coincided with four radical worldwide changes that have altered the business environment: Emergence of the Global Economy Transformation of Industrial Economies Transformation of the Business Enterprise The Emerging Digital Firm But first, what do CBIS’ do that enabled these… Essentials of Management Information Systems

13 Computers (and computer systems) are great at four things: Storage and retrieval of data Distribution of digital content Enabling and enforcing standardization of process Automation (most effectively of tedious tasks or those too complex to be done reliably by humans) –Can automate whenever you see a pattern Essentials of Management Information Systems

14 First of 4 changes: Emergence of the Global Economy Management and control in a global marketplace –helped by IT because distributed, fast, real-time or asynchronous, rich interface, reduced media breaks –Global work groups Allows low marginal cost competition in world markets –24x7 point of contact –Global delivery systems of digital products Essentials of Management Information Systems

15 Second Change: Transformation of Industrial Economies Knowledge and information-based economies in developed world (e.g US, Japan have moved from industrial Eco to knowledge & information-based service) High margin & tougher to replicate Marked by time-based competition, shorter product life, and turbulent environment Low-knowledge jobs more commodity-like and mostly fled to LDCs Allows some poorer economies to leapfrog in status (e.g., Finland, India and Ireland) Essentials of Management Information Systems

16 Third change:Transformation of the Enterprise IT accommodates management in orgs that are: Flattening Decentralizing Flexible Location independent And striving for: –Low transaction and coordination costs; empowerment; collaborative work and teamwork Essentials of Management Information Systems

17 Forth Change:Emergence of the Digital Firm Digitally enabled relationships with customers,suppliers and employees Core business processes accomplished via digital networks Digital management of key corporate assets Rapid sensing and responding to environment changes Essentials of Management Information Systems

18 Business Perspective of IS An IS is an important asset for creating value for an organisation by: Increasing ROI Enhancing it’s Strategic position Increasing market value of the firm’s stock Every business has an information value chain in which raw information is systematically acquired and then transformed through various stages that add value information To fully understand information systems, a manager must understand the broader organisation, management, and information technology dimensions of the system and their power to provide solutions to challenges and problems in the business environment Essentials of Management Information Systems

19 Management levels Management’s job is to make sense out of the many situations faced by organisations, make decisions and formulate action plans to solve organisational problems Managerial roles and decisions vary at different levels of the organisation Senior Managers : Make long-range strategic decisions about what products and services to produce Middle Managers : Carry out the plans & programs of senior management Operational Managers : Responsible for monitoring the Firm’s daily activities Essentials of Management Information Systems

20 The new Role of IS in in organisations Managers can't ignore technology any more and pass it off to secretaries or clerical workers or the Information Technology department. Information Systems are critical to the success of an organization at all managerial levels. Essentials of Management Information Systems

21 The new Role of IS in in organisations The Widening Scope of Information Systems Technology and its associated Information Systems are now integrated throughout the organization. End users take on greater responsibilities for the success of Information Systems and are actually doing a lot of the work that once belonged to the techies. The executive levels of an organization can no longer ignore the technology and pretend that it belongs to someone else. Essentials of Management Information Systems

22 The new Role of IS in in organisations The Network Revolution and the Internet –Businesses are rushing to the Internet in an effort to keep up with the competition or to create whole new businesses. –The fastest and biggest change in modern computing is the Internet. To say that the Internet is transforming the way we live, work, and play is probably the greatest understatement in years Essentials of Management Information Systems

23 The new Role of IS in in organisations New Options for Organizational Design: The Networked Enterprise –Technology now allows workers to work from anywhere –Technology now allows companies in foreign countries to merge their organizations in ways never before possible. –However, think of the challenges it poses to management information systems and employees. Essentials of Management Information Systems

24 The new Role of IS in in organisations Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business –Electronic Commerce –Eg operates a virtual storefront on the Internet offering more than 3 million book titles for sale. Customers can input their orders via's Web site and have books shipped to them. –Electronic Business –Eg University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston publishes nursing staff policies and procedures on an intranet. The intranet reduces paperwork and enchances the quality of nursing services by providing immediate notification of policy changes. –Electronic markets are allowing businesses to take advantage of technology to create new methods of buying and selling Essentials of Management Information Systems

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