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Budapest, Hungary 15/16 April 2015

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1 Budapest, Hungary 15/16 April 2015
IEC TC13 Plenary Meeting Working Group 15 Report John Cowburn - Convenor Budapest, Hungary 15/16 April 2015

2 IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015
TC13 WG15 - Report Content New Scope of Working Group 15 Progress on activities to achieve new scope Result of voting on the NWIPs The revised plan of work Detail of work planned to meet new market requirements for payment metering systems Detail of work planned to respond to changes in emerging TC13 metrology, safety and communication standards IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015

3 TC13 WG15 – Scope “Smart Metering Functions and Processes”
WG15’s original scope was ‘payment metering’ and development of the IEC series Many smart metering systems include a payment mode e.g. pay as you go ‘Payment functionality’ may exist in the meter or other devices in the metering system Several architectures can be envisaged, covering multiple “energy types” e.g. gas, water, heat Two NWIPs, a RR and a DC were issued for standards to cover existing and emerging systems IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015

4 TC13 WG15 – Progress on 2014 work plan
Proposals raised for new work items in series to cater for payment functions in smart metering systems. to be updated to Ed.3 to add new security features. Documents issued: 13/1590/RR & 13/1591/DC (from GB NC) IEC Ed.3 to cover; ZA requirements (Annex A, STS) GB requirements (Annex B, GBCS) IN requirements (Annex C, CTS). 13/1593/NP (from South African NC) IEC : Framework for standardization of Smart Meter Functions and Processes; 13/1594/NP (from South African NC) IEC : Smart Meter Functions; IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015

5 TC13 WG15 – NWIP Voting Results
13/1591/DC for IEC Ed.3 supported, no objections. Maintenance Team will proceed. See plan of work slide. 13/1593/NP for IEC Ed.1: Supported by 21 P-members, 10 abstentions, zero opposition; Experts provided by CN, GB and ZA. Rejected as five required. 13/1594/NP for IEC Ed.1: Both NWIPs have consequently been withdrawn. Agreed that IEC Ed.1 Framework Standard for Payment Meters, to be reconfirmed because the NWIP for IEC has been withdrawn. IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015

6 TC13 WG15 – Revised Plan of Work
Three Maintenance Team projects: to be amended then later revised Project Leader: J.Cowburn Ed.1 for token carrier systems using STS, with updated security features. Project Leader: D. Taylor Ed.1 for markets where STS is not used, using transfer reference numbers (TRN). Project Leader: T. Field IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015

7 IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015
TC13 WG15 – Revision of Ed.1 Two stage maintenance process planned: Ed.1 Amendment 1, including Corrigendum 1: Safety requirements to be revised to refer to Ed.1; Project Start – April Expected duration – 3 months. Ed.2 Particular requirements for Payment Meters: Update metrology references to WG11 Ed.2 when CDVs circulated; Update of payment functionality to latest DLMS/COSEM standards, including requirements from STS 101-2; Revision or removal of Load Switch tests in Annex C to align with requirements plus liaisons with TC23 and TC121; Aspects of Multi-Device Payment Metering to be considered, including split meters and group meters; Project Start – When WG11 CDV’s circulate. Duration – 12 months. IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015

8 IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015
TC13 WG15 – Revision of Ed.2 Revision of IEC to be prepared in two parts to cater for Standard Transfer Systems (STS) and systems using Transfer Reference Numbers (TRN). Part 41-1 to introduce changes from 13/1591/DC Annex A Provide enhanced security of STS systems; Work started. Expected duration – 9 months. Part 41-2 to introduce changes from 13/1591/DC Annex B&C Specify TRN’s from UK-DECC GBCS for GB systems; Specify TRN’s from Indian CTS systems; Work start – May Expected duration – 18 months. Full document titles IEC Ed.1 Electricity metering – Payment systems – Part 41-1: Application layer protocol for one-way token carrier systems – Standard transfer specification (STS). IEC Ed.1 Electricity metering – Payment systems – Part 41-2: Application layer protocol for one-way token carrier systems – Transfer reference numbers (TRN). IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015

9 IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015
TC13 WG15 – Revision of Ed.1 Possible revision of IEC Changes introduced with Part 41-1 may have a knock-on effect to some clauses within Ed.1 The effects if any will be assessed post the completion of the CDV for An RR will be raised if required. IEC TC13 Plenary, Budapest, April 2015

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