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Lesser Gods of Olympus Minor Deities. Eros/Cupid Later accounts of Eros say that he is the son of Aphrodite He is the God of Love.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesser Gods of Olympus Minor Deities. Eros/Cupid Later accounts of Eros say that he is the son of Aphrodite He is the God of Love."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesser Gods of Olympus Minor Deities

2 Eros/Cupid Later accounts of Eros say that he is the son of Aphrodite He is the God of Love

3 Hebe Goddess of eternal youth

4 The Muses 9 in total; daughters of Zeus Clio – history; Urania – astronomy; Melpomene – tragedy; Thalia – comedy; Terpsichore – dance; Calliope – epic poetry; Erato – love poetry; Polyhymnia – songs to the gods; Euterpe – lyric poetry

5 Iris Goddess of the rainbow

6 The 3 Graces Algaia – Splendor; Euphrosyne – mirth; Thalia – good cheer Daughters of Zeus Bestow happiness upon the gods and man

7 Poseidon/Neptune God of the sea and underground rivers

8 Ocean He was a Titan and lord of the River Ocean – a river that encircled the earth

9 Tethys Ocean’s wife; a Titan

10 Pontus Deep Sea god

11 Oceanids Sea nymphs of the river Ocean Nymphs are any of the minor divinities of nature represented as beautiful maidens dwelling in the mountains, forests, trees, and waters.

12 Nereids Sea nymphs

13 Amphitrite Poseidon’s wife

14 Triton The trumpeter of the sea

15 Proteus Poseidon’s son Power to foretell the future and to change his shape

16 Naiads Water nymphs – fresh water (springs, lakes, fountains)

17 Hades/Pluto God of the Underworld and wealth

18 Persephone Wife of Hades Abducted by Hades Daughter of Demeter/Ceres

19 The Underworld

20 Charon The ferryman of the Underworld Dead souls paid him with coins to ferry them across the Styx River

21 Cerberus

22 The Erinyes/The Furies

23 Pan – god of nature Son of Hermes

24 Silenus Pan’s son or brother Jolly and fun

25 Castor and Pollux Brothers who protected sailors; were great in battle Castor – tamed horses Pollux – skilled boxer

26 Satyrs Goat-men of the forests – looked like Pan

27 Nymphs on Land Oreads – mountain nymphs Dryads (Hamadryads) – tree nymphs

28 The Winds Aeolus – King of the Winds Boreas – North Wind Zephyr – West Wind Notus – South Wind Eurus – East Wind

29 Centaurs Aggressive and savage Half-man and half-horse

30 The 3 Gorgons Female creatures – turn men to stone with a glance The most fearsome was Medusa

31 The Sirens Female sea creatures – lured sailors to their death with their enchanting songs

32 The Graiae Sisters to the Gorgons Shared one eye

33 The 3 Fates Very powerful – controlled all human life Clotho – spinner; Lachesis – Destiny; Atropos – thread-cutter

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