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INAM EVALUATION Paul T. Bucci PhD, LLC Westat, Inc. GEM Software Development, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "INAM EVALUATION Paul T. Bucci PhD, LLC Westat, Inc. GEM Software Development, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 INAM EVALUATION Paul T. Bucci PhD, LLC Westat, Inc. GEM Software Development, Inc.

2 Program Design Needs Assessment Gap Analysis Barriers to Employment Program to Fill the Gap Program Evaluation

3 PTB Evaluation Team PTB – Overall evaluation conceptualization and project management and coordination. Focus on institutional and consortium organization and development. Westat – research and evaluation expertise (quantitative and qualitative analysis) GEM – development and management of the INAM online longitudinal database

4 Evaluation Plan Two Study Groups 1. Participant Cohort – has education plan and participates in tweaked curriculum (certificates and degree programs) or NCRC certificate 2. Comparison Cohorts a.Prior cohorts b.Students at comparable INAM institutions that have not yet adopted changes c.Non-participating TAA-eligible and veterans

5 Evaluation Plan Two Studies 1. Implementation Study (primarily qualitative) focusing on the implementation process, the participation, contributions of the INAM partners, and improvements over the past 2. Outcomes Study (primarily quantitative) focusing on a. the academic and employment outcomes for participants as compared to non-participant comparison cohorts b. Impact variance by program or student characteristics

6 Longitudinal Database 1. Student Level Data a.Demographic b.Performance c.Participation 2. Enables tracking a student from program entry, through program participation, and into further education and/or employment

7 Key Research Questions To what extent was the INAM model implemented? To what extent are the curricula aligned to state workforce needs? To what extent has there been sharing among the INAM partners? To what extent has INAM developed and institutionalized innovative practices and capacity-building? To what extent have participant outcomes been achieved? How do participant outcomes compare to non-participant outcomes? To what extent have employers and other stakeholders been involved?

8 INAM EVALUATION Paul T. Bucci PhD, LLC Westat, Inc. GEM Software Development, Inc.

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