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1 The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

2 2 Background: Industry efforts in energy efficiency 2010 : 53.4% less energy than 1990 * Source Cefic facts and figures 2012

3 3 But… What about energy efficiency potential in SMEs? Most EU chemical companies are small- or medium-sized SMEs account for 30% of sales and 37% of jobs CARE+ showed: there is energy efficiency improvement potential of 10–20% in many SMEs across Europe Challenges: Lack of knowledge Administrative burdens Limited staff resources Financial limitations (payback time for investments)

4 SPiCE³ - the project

5 5 SPiCE³ – background June 2014: Joint RC-SPiCE³ Forum in London (hosted by CIA) April 2014: 1 st SPiCE³ anniversary December 2013: Launch of the SPiCE³ online platform at the first joint RC- SPiCE³ conference in Amsterdam (hosted by VNCI) April 2013: Take-off of the SPiCE³ Project (“Sectoral Platform in Chemicals for Energy Efficiency Excellence”) Coordinated by Cefic – with 13 partner countries joining the project, covering more than 80% of the chemical industry activities across the EU November 2012: SPiCE³ is selected as an eligible project under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme (co-funded by the European Commission)

6 6 SPiCE³ – Objectives Facilitate access to energy efficiency information, tools and support schemes Enable companies to take up tools and participate in existing initiatives Promote best practices and success stories Establish and strengthen contacts between energy efficiency actors to create a network for learning and exchange

7 7 SPiCE³ closes knowledge gaps and links bottom-up with top-down through our national federations and companies at international and local level Online platform One-stop shop for energy efficiency information Workshops Knowledge sharing between SMEs, large companies and energy expert organisations On-site training Site visits to SMEs by energy experts to assess potential measures and give recommendations EU awards and events Promoting good practices – joining up with Responsible Care

8 SPiCE³ - the online platform

9 9 SPiCE³ = explore, learn, share, join, update, discuss

10 10 Curious what your neighbour is doing? 13 countries 12 languages 17 partners Let’s get started - choose your country !

11 11 Join events and learn about show cases and tools all over Europe

12 12 So what is going on in Greece?

13 13 Or do you want to learn about BG energy efficiency regulation?

14 14 And remember – we’re doing this for 13 countries and in 12 languages!

15 15 You are not alone in this! IlseYvesSebastianPeterArisIriaNickGuyPaoloElenaSimonLilianaGiuseppeLinneaSamiReinierSofieMikaelFrançoiseNickJaroslav James AnnaHansErikMikeLaura Project coordinator: Guy Parker Energy Manager, Cefic +32 (0)2 676 7367 Cefic (BE) Challoch Energy (BE) ExtraMile Communica tions Ltd (UK) (NL) Essenscia (BE) VCI (D) SC Sviluppo – Federchimi ca (IT) SCHP (CZ) PCCI (PL)VNCI (NL) CIA (UK) Chemind (FI) BCCI- CHEM (BG) IKEM (SE)HACI (GR)UIC (F)FEIQUE( E)

16 16 We have only started….

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