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By: Alejandro Zarate. Table of Contents  Different types of things with solar energy.  Car, homes, and airplanes uses with solar energy.  Solar panels.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Alejandro Zarate. Table of Contents  Different types of things with solar energy.  Car, homes, and airplanes uses with solar energy.  Solar panels."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Alejandro Zarate

2 Table of Contents  Different types of things with solar energy.  Car, homes, and airplanes uses with solar energy.  Solar panels works.

3 3 things about solar panel cars  Thy travel very slowly.  They cover a large amount of distance.  But they cannot run without suns energy.

4 Main Idea #1  Have you evered wondered what all you can do with solar power?  You can use it to power homes, cars, airplanes and more.

5 Main Idea #2  Cars have to charge up with the suns energy before they get to driving and if your driving in the sun and a cloud goes over it the car will stop.  The solar panels on homes are placed on the roofs because that’s were they can get more sun light for energy and.

6 Main Idea #2  Airplanes need more energy than cars and home because they need it to get off the ground.

7 Main Idea #3  Have you ever wondered how solar panels work?  They get light from the sun and then turn it in to energy.

8 Main Idea #3  After the solar panels make the energy and they use it to power lots of thins in your daily life.

9 Conclusion  Solar cars are good for earth because they use the sun to run on and not gas.  Gas is bad for earth because it pollutes the air.

10 Work cited  Guy, Arnold. facts on water, wind, and solar power. New York: Franklin watts, 1990.  Adkin, Shelley. ”solar energy. ” 30,december,2010. may 9,2013

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