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GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS The incentive to supply Knowledge and Technology Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Relazioni Internazionali Indirizzo: Studi Politici Internazionali.

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS The incentive to supply Knowledge and Technology Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Relazioni Internazionali Indirizzo: Studi Politici Internazionali."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS The incentive to supply Knowledge and Technology Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Relazioni Internazionali Indirizzo: Studi Politici Internazionali Facoltà di Scienze Politiche A.A. 2012-2013

2 CONTENTS 1. From Public Goods to GPGs 2. Provision Problems 3. Knowledge as a GPG 4. Globalization of IPRs 5. Conclusions

3 Non -Rivalry Non - Excludability The Concept of PGs 1. From Public Goods to GPGs

4 Some Examples: Fireworks National Defence Art

5 The Concept of GPGs Countries Socio- Economic Groups Generations 1. From Public Goods to GPGs

6 Some Examples : International Financial Stability Environment Peace

7 Contents 1. The Concept of GPGs 2. Provision Problems 3. Knowledge as a GPG 4. Globalization of IPRs 5. Conclusions

8 2. Provision Problems Under-Supply: Free-Riding Non-Excludability Positive Externalities Explanation

9 Solutions 2. Provision Problems International Institutions with coercive power Cooperation

10 Contents 1. The Concept of GPGs 2. Provision Problems 3. Knowledge as a GPG 4. Globalization of IPRs 5. Conclusions

11 “ He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me ” Thomas Jefferson From the letter to Isaac Mc Pherson Aug. 13, 1813 3. Knowledge as a GPG

12 Knowledge Information

13 3. Knowledge as a GPG Knowledge Social Constructs Global Good Public

14 Contents 1. The Concept of GPGs 2. Provision Problems 3. Knowledge as a GPG 4. Globalization of IPRs 5. Conclusions

15 Globalization of IPRs Policy Implications Western Governments New political and social movements Strong IPRs are needed to maintain high investments in innovation IPRs enforcement obstructs economic growth and welfare in developing countries

16 4. Globalization of IPRs The importance of IPRs should not be overestimated because: Technology flows are affected by a variety of other factors. Barriers to entry are more often associated with anti-competition practices than with IPRs alone. There are substantial cross-industry differences in the role played by IPRs.

17 Contents 1. The Concept of GPGs 2. Provision Problems 3. Knowledge as a GPG 4. Globalization of IPRs 5. Conclusions

18 Developing countries should concentrate on active learning policies to acquire Knowledge Western nations should promote new Knowledge and Creativity


20 Email: Skype: fra.berti.1986

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