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IPv4/v6 Mobility Youn-Hee Han Korea University of Technology and Education Internet Computing Laboratory

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Presentation on theme: "IPv4/v6 Mobility Youn-Hee Han Korea University of Technology and Education Internet Computing Laboratory"— Presentation transcript:

1 IPv4/v6 Mobility Youn-Hee Han Korea University of Technology and Education Internet Computing Laboratory

2 KT 세미나 2/61 IP Mobility - Why and What Mobile IPv4 (RFC 3344) Mobile IPv6 (RFC 3775) PMIPv6 (Proxy Mobile IPv6) Background PMIPv6 Overview & Features IPv4 Support for PMIPv6 PMIPv6 and MIPv6 (Mobile IPv6) Interworking Summary Outline

3 KT 세미나 3/61 IP Mobility - Why and What

4 KT 세미나 4/61 IP’s Routing Model Addresses are assigned in a topologically significant manner Routing based on address prefixes MN(Mobile Node) must be assigned a new address when it moves Internet Router

5 KT 세미나 5/61 IP Session Continuity Internet Router TCP connections are defined by… [Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination Port] MN’s address must be preserved regardless of its location to preserve the on-going IP session. Threfore, when an MN moves, Retain the MN address → Routing fails Change the MN address → IP Session breaks

6 KT 세미나 6/61 Solutions : Two-tier IP addressing Internet Router MN keeps its static IP address, but uses a temporary a CoA(care-of address) when it moves to another subnet HoA (Home Address) – the original static IP address – CoA (Care-of Address) – the temporary IP address –

7 KT 세미나 7/61 Why Network-layer Mobility? Transport Layer/ Application Layer transparency Can even change physical media without breaking connections Mobility management is related with addressing

8 KT 세미나 8/61 Network Model in WiMax/IEEE 802.16 WiBro Network Architecture LMA MAG Policy Store

9 KT 세미나 9/61 Network Model in WiMax/IEEE 802.16 WiBro Network Architecture

10 KT 세미나 10/61 Things to be considered IP Mobility 가 이동통신망에서 필요한가 ? 현재 WiBro 에서는..? 단말기를 단순한 클라이언트로만 생각한다면 IP Mobility Service 는 필요 없고 단순한 L2 Path Extension 기능만 있어도 될 것 같아 … 그러나, IP Session 유지 기간에 따라 IP Mobility Service 에 대한 중요도가 높아질 것 같아.

11 KT 세미나 11/61 Things to be considered IP Mobility 지원이 필요 없는 거 아니야 ? 단말기도 일종의 서버가 될 수 있다고 생각한다면 IP Mobility Service 가 필요 하지 않을까 …? 단말기들 사이의 Peer-to-Peer 서비스를 원할하게 제공해야 한다면 IP Mobility Service 는 필요할 것 같아. IP 세션을 사람의 개입 없이 기계들 끼리 자동으로 열고 닫고 한다면 …? The world of IPv6 DRINK Mobile telephone Image Server Music Data car Map information Vending machines Data-compatible home appliances Broadcasting Settlement \\ \ \ IPv 6

12 KT 세미나 12/61 Things to be considered 도대체 WiBro 네트워크 내에 ACR 의 개수가 몇 개인데 ? Router 장비인 ACR ( 서브넷 ) 2~3 개 정도로 서울 시내를 모두 Cover 한다고 들었어 … 그러면, L2 Path Extension 만으로도 충분하지 않을까 ? 도대체 서브넷을 이동하는 횟수가 얼마나 되는데 ?  대부분의 시간에 서브넷의 경계에 위치하는 사용자는 ? 만약에 WiBro 가 전국 서비스망으로 확장된다면 ACR 의 개수는 얼마나 될까 ? 만약에 10 개 이상 … 그 보다 더 많아진다면 IP Mobility 는 필요할 것 같아 … WiBro 와 WLAN 간의 이동은 ? WiBro 와 3G (HSDPA) Network 간의 이동은 ? 당연히 IP 가 바뀌겠지 … IP Mobility 가 필요하겠다.

13 KT 세미나 13/61 Mobile IPv4 (RFC 3344)

14 KT 세미나 14/61 Mobile IPv4 History RFC 2002 (IP Mobility Support for IPv4), Oct. 1996 RFC 3344 (IP Mobility Support for IPv4), Aug. 2002  20 Major Changes, 16 Minor Changes since RFC 2002 draft-ietf-mip4-rfc3344bis-03.txt (IP Mobility Support for IPv4, revised), March 2007  20 Major Changes, 17 Minor Changes since RFC 3344 Major Component HA – Home Agent FA – Foreign Agent MN – Mobile Node

15 KT 세미나 15/61 Mobile IPv4 Operation Basic Operation of Mobile IPv4 CN Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv4 Normal routing MN in Home Network MN has only HoA

16 KT 세미나 16/61 Mobile IPv4 Operation Basic Operation of Mobile IPv4 CN Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv4 Normal routing MN in Foreign Network 1) Agent Solicitation 2) Agent Advertisement 3) MN obtains a new CoA (FA-CoA)

17 KT 세미나 17/61 Mobile IPv4 Operation Basic Operation of Mobile IPv4 CN Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv4 Normal routing MN in Foreign Network 1) Registration Request4) Registration Reply 3) Registration Reply 2) Registration Request HoACoA Binding Cache

18 KT 세미나 18/61 Mobile IPv4 Operation Basic Operation of Mobile IPv4 CN Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv4 HoACoA Binding Cache

19 KT 세미나 19/61 Mobile IPv4 Operation Basic Operation of Mobile IPv4 CN 1) Agent Solicitation 2) Agent Advertisement Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv4 HoACoA Binding Cache 3) MN obtains a new CoA (FA-CoA)

20 KT 세미나 20/61 Mobile IPv4 Operation Basic Operation of Mobile IPv4 CN Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv4 HoA New CoA Binding Cache 1) Registration Request 4) Registration Reply 3) Registration Reply 2) Registration Request

21 KT 세미나 21/61 Mobile IPv4 Operation HoA New CoA Binding Cache Basic Operation of Mobile IPv4 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv4 CN

22 KT 세미나 22/61 Characteristics of Mobile IPv4 Agent Discovery Agent Solicitation/Agent Advertisement (ICMP Messages) Registration Registration Request/Registration Reply (UDP Messages) Notes: Triangle Routing  CN  HA  MN, MN  HA  CN Two CoA Modes  FA-CoA MNs receive a CoA from FA FA manages ‘Visitor List’, which has the entry [HoA, Layer 2 ID] Host Routing (Not Prefix Routing) No duplication about new CoA  Co-located CoA DHCP-based CoA allocation DHCP server should guarantee the uniqueness of CoA

23 KT 세미나 23/61 Mobile IPv6 (RFC 3775)

24 KT 세미나 24/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Infinite Address Space 128 bits address Autoconfiguration Service IP address auto-configuration without DHCP Efficient Routing Managed prefix allocation The number of routing entry will be reduced at routers Perfect peer-to-peering Built-in Security Efficient Mobility IPv6… Why IPv6? The world of IPv6 DRINK Mobile telephone Image Server Music Data car Map information Vending machines Data-compatible home appliances Broadcasting Settlement \\ \ \ IPv 6

25 KT 세미나 25/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 RFC 3775, Mobility Support in IPv6, June 2004 D. Johnson (Rice Univ.), C. Perkins (Nokia), J. Arkko (Ericsson) It takes almost 3 years to make it RFC. Major Components HA MN (no FA) MIPv6 is a network-layer protocol, while MIPv4 is a application-layer protocol (with network-layer modification). Mobile IPv6

26 KT 세미나 26/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 New Signal Message related with Binging Management Binding Update (BU) Binding Acknowledgement (BAck) Binding Refresh Request (BRR) Binding Error (BE) New Signal Message related with Binding Authentication Home Test Init (HoTI) Care-of Test Init (CoTI) Home Test (HoT) Care-of Test (CoT) New Destination Option Home Address Destination Option New Routing Header Type Routing Header Type 2 New Message and Options of Mobile IPv6

27 KT 세미나 27/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv6 MN in Home Network Internet Home N/W HAAR CN MN with Home Address

28 KT 세미나 28/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv6 Movement to a Foreign Network Internet Home N/W HAAR CN AR Foreign N/W 1) MN detects its Movements 2) MN configures New CoA 3) MN sends a BU 4) HA acknowledges by returning BAck to MN 5) Setup Proxy Neighbor Cache

29 KT 세미나 29/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv6 Intercept packets sent from CNs Internet Home N/W HAAR CN AR Foreign N/W MN HA intercepts packets with Home Address as its destination address

30 KT 세미나 30/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv6 Packet Tunneling Internet Home N/W HAAR CN AR Foreign N/W HA sends encapsulated packets to MN’s CoA MN Process the packet (Decapsulation) Looping Back

31 KT 세미나 31/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv6 Return Routability with CN Internet Home N/W HAAR CN AR Foreign N/W 1) MN guesses that the CN has no Binding Cache for me 2) MN executes Return Routability 3) MN sends HoTI to CN via HA MN 4) MN sends CoTI to CN directly 5) CN generates ‘binding management key’

32 KT 세미나 32/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv6 Return Routability with CN Internet Home N/W HAAR CN AR Foreign N/W 3) MN generates ‘binding management key’ 4) MN computes binding authorization data (signature) for BU meesage 1) CN sends HoT to MN via HA 2) CN sends CoT to MN directly MN 5) MN sends BU with binding authorization data 6) CN need not return Binding Acknowledgement

33 KT 세미나 33/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv6 Data Routing after BU with CN Internet Home N/W HAAR CN AR Foreign N/W MN CN directly sends packets to MN’s CoA using Routing header type 2

34 KT 세미나 34/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Operation Sketch of Mobile IPv6 When the binding ’ s lifetime of CN is near expiration Internet Home N/W HAAR CN AR Foreign N/W MN 1) CN guesses that it is actively communicating with the mobile node and has indications, such as an open TCP connection to the MN 2) CN sends a BRR to the MN 3) MN replies by returning a BU to the CN

35 KT 세미나 35/61 Why IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 How to make CoA? Auto-configuration  Without DHCP  With DHCP Duplication Address Detection (DAD) is required. Route optimization supported Triangle routing avoided But, CN is required to be modified for the route optimization Security MN  HA : Strong Security (IPSec) MN  CN : Weak Security (Return Routability)  Handover latency increased Characteristics of Mobile IPv6

36 KT 세미나 36/61 WCDMA 101 WCDMA Evolution

37 KT 세미나 37/61 GSM/WCDMA Network Architecture Node B

38 KT 세미나 38/61 Core Network Architecture MAG Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) Packet transfer to, from serving area Registration, authentication, mobility management / handover, CDRs logical links to BTS, tunnel to GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) Gateway to external IP networks (VPN/ISP etc) IP network security GPRS session mgmt, AAAA CDRs for charging

39 KT 세미나 39/61 Core Network Architecture PDP: Packet Data Protocol (PDP) is a network protocol used by an external packet data network interfacing to GPRS. PDP Context: Information sets held in MS and GSNs for a PDP address

40 KT 세미나 40/61 Core Network Architecture MAG AAA/Policy Store LMA

41 KT 세미나 41/61 Mobile IP in UMTS Iu CN UTRAN HA UTRAN RNS IP network HLR etc. Iur filter Internet MAP HA R Gp SGSN GGSN FA SGSN PLMN backbone GGSN SGSN BG Border Gateway RRouter HAHome Agent FAForeign Agent FA

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