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Need of Number Portability – Subscriber’s benefit: – Convenience of customer to personalize the same number across the Operators, Locations and Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Need of Number Portability – Subscriber’s benefit: – Convenience of customer to personalize the same number across the Operators, Locations and Services."— Presentation transcript:


2 Need of Number Portability – Subscriber’s benefit: – Convenience of customer to personalize the same number across the Operators, Locations and Services. (No age for your number.) – Better QOS, more features and services, better tariff plans for customers. – No cost incurred to notify the new contact details to the others( friends, family, business…..) – Operator ’s benefit: – Healthy competition and an opportunity to explore more services/features. – Operator with best QOS will gain the subscribers. – Introduction of innovative service. – Regulatory’s benefit: – A better means to facilitate the subscribers the best of services from different operators. – Use this infrastructure to resolve Directory Number resource problems.

3 Number portability definition Number portability enables a subscriber to switch between services, locations, or operators while retaining the original mobile number, without compromising on quality, reliability, services and operational convenience. Number Portability Operator Portability Location Portability Service Portability FNPMNP

4 Donor Network Recipient Network NPDB Originating Network Originating Network Originating Network: Network of the calling party Donor Network : Previous subscription of Called party Recipient Network: Present subscription of Called party NPDB: Number Portability Data Base (maintains portability database and provides routing instructions) MNP Terminologies related to network

5 (ACQ) All call query- Direct routing method Whenever the call is originated, the Originating n/w will query its NPDB NPDB will acknowledge the query by adding a prefix (LRN) to the B MSISDN if the B MSISDN is ported out. Based on the prefix (LRN) the Originating n/w will route the call to the recipient n/w without involving the Donor network. ACQ is called as direct routing as donor network will not be included during entire call flow. Recipient Network ORIG NW NPDB LRN + B-MSISDN B-MSISDN Originating Network Donor Network LRN + B-MSISDN

6 MNP architecture MCH-Zone2 Syniverse MCH-Zone1 Telecordia SOAP/XML MML STP-NEM NPGW BOSS/BSCS IP STP NPDB MSC HLR SCP SMSC MMSC National NPDB Layer MNP Provisioning Layer (IT Domain) MNP Provisioning & Routing Process Layer (Network Domain) Service Process Layer Will be residing in MCH vendor premises Will be residing in operator’s premises

7 IDP manipulation Method: IDP manipulation:  For pre-paid call or SMS, IDP message of OCSI and SMS-CSI is relayed from switch to IN-SCP through MNP-STP.  MNP-STP puts RN before B-party number in IDP message, so that IN can do proper charging on basis of RN.  If IN (SCP) responds to MSC (SSF) over CONNECT message same B-number with RN can reach MSC and MSC can route call properly on basis of RN.  MSC doesn’t need to do NPDB query again for routing. So with IDP manipulation and CONNECT operation both the purposes- proper charging by IN and routing by MSC – gets fulfilled. If IN responses over CONTINUE message MSC need to do NPDB query for routing like call cases for post-paid subscribers.  From MSC side, SCP GT needs to be routed to MNP-STP as DPC not to SCP itself. Different NPDB query methods are used for this inter-working. With current solution we are using following methods:  IDP manipulation for pre-paid inter-working  SRF/MATF (Signaling Relay Function / Mobile Application Termination Function) for postpaid.  SRF (Signalling Relay Function) for SMS MT

8 SRF/MATF Method (call related) SRF /MATF method is applicable only for MTC. 1) SRF method will be used for: i) Own, not ported subscriber ii) Ported in subscriber iii) Own NDC, misdialling 2) MATF method will be used for: i) Ported out subscriber ii) Cross-ported subscriber iii) Foreign not ported subscriber

9 Process on MNP World wide most of the operators have gone for STP based MNP architecture. Idea has also planned to deploy Huawei STP’s to comply MNP. Each STP will have the countrywide MNP database. All OG calls, OG SMS, OG MMS will be sent to STP for MNP check. There is no STP in Bihar circle. So Idea Bihar will access Delhi and UP west STP by SIGTRAN connectivity. M3UA link between Patna MSS1 and STP Delhi is created. Links are UP and testing are in progress. M3UA link creation between Patna MSS and STP Meerut is in progress. LRN for Idea Bihar is 2100. For non STP circles Idea have jotted down the scenarios which require MNP check and which do not require MNP check. E.g. MT calls, Location update, GPRS, USSD, Authentication etc do not require MNP check so we will not route this traffic through STP. Thus there will be direct connectivity between MSC-HLR for MT calls and Location update, MSC-EIR for Authentication, MSC-SGSN for GPRS in non STP circles. As far as IN and SMSC is concerned, entire traffic will be routed through STP as anyways this traffic has be extended to IN and SMSC location.

10 Network Architecture

11 Impact on Network due to MNP Mandatory STP inclusion. MNP related features and HW in all core nodes, IN, SMSC etc. – MSC has to populate LRN information in CDR’s. – Entire B number table would be modified. – IN has to understand the modified IDP msg coming from STP where called party would be LRN+B MSISDN. – IN has to charge based on LRN along with called party MSISDN. Additional 25% signaling load will increase from the day1 of MNP launch. Migration of all core elements on STP. Changes in tariffs (RN based tariffs instead if MSISDN) Software development required by IN Vendors, to send “CONNECT” message in response to IDP query from STP. Connect message saves additional signaling whereas Continue message does not. Monitoring and interception related issues.

12  Introduction  TRAI Recommendations  MNP solution overview Central side Operator side  Proposed Operator side solutions Direct query to Centralized NPDB Local NPDB query  TRAI Recommended routing solution –ACQ  Porting Process  Proposed RCOM solution  MNP Call Scenarios  Network Impact  IT Requirement  Business implications  Regulatory issues

13 Introduction  Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Within the service area only. Subscribers can switch between the service providers irrespective of service type (GSM / CDMA). Subscribers retain the same telephone numbers. MNP is mandated by regulatory, for all operators.

14 TRAI Recommendations - General  Phased Implementation Phase 1 - Implementation in A category circles. Phase 2 - Implementation in Class B & C circles.  Porting duration - 3 working days.  Porting Approach – ‘ Recipient-led’ porting. Subscriber approaches recipient for porting initiation.  Ported out number usage Donor shall not use the ported-out number till it is in use by the subscriber. Number shall be reverted back to the Donor operator once surrendered by the subscriber. Donor Operator is responsible for tracking the Quarantine period.

15 TRAI Recommendations - Technical  Recommended Routing Solution – All Call Query (ACQ)  Centralized NP database Repository for ported subscriber’s information. Centrally or Regionally located.  NPDB query methodology Direct query to centralized NP database. Local (Operator) NP database query.  Routing prefix Uniquely identify recipient operator, technology (GSM/CDMA) and service area.

16 TRAI Recommendations - Administrative  Centralized clearing House (CCH) Administered by a neutral third party. Responsible for –  Negotiation between donor & recipient operator during porting.  Central NP database administration Capital & operational cost of CCH is borne by all the operators.  Steering committee is responsible for – Tariff transparency. Implementation, operational & administrative issues.

17 MNP solution Overview Central NPDB STP OPS Centralized Clearing House Operator A Directly querying Central NPDB Option 1 Operator Gateway Local NPDB OSS GW Operator B Local NPDB Query (independent Node) -option 2(a) Operator C Local NPDB Query (with STP)- option 2(b) Integrated Local GW & OSS GW STP Local NPDB OPS Central side Operator side

18 Proposed Operator side Solutions Option 1: Direct query to centralized NPDB Centralized Clearing House + Central NPDB Operator’s gateways Operator Network Network Interface Advantages  No need to maintain local NPDB.  Initial Investment cost will be low. Limitations  Noticeable Delay in the call processing.  Connectivity cost will be high.  Central NPDB should have necessary interface to connect to Operators.  More suitable to small operators & content providers.

19 Proposed Operator side Solutions Option 2(a) - Local NPDB as an independent node at the operator’s premises. OSS gatewayBSS/OSS Core NEs STP Centralized Clearing House + Central NPDB Local NPDB Network Interface Advantages  Local NPDB will be maintained at Operators side.  STP will query the local NPDB for every call. Limitations  Additional signaling links between the independent local NPDB & the STP.  Delay in call processing.  Suitable for Operators who don’t have a separate STP.

20 Proposed Operator side Solutions Option 2(b)- Local NPDB co-located with STP Local GW + OSS GW Local NPDB STP Centralized Clearing House + Central NPDB BSS/OSS Network Interface Advantages  Local NPDB will be maintained at Operators side.  STP will query the local NPDB for every call.  OSS GW & Local GW are integrated in one platform.  Additional signaling links for Local NPDB query not required.  Optimize use of existing STP capabilities. Limitations  Processing load on STP will increase.

21 Terminology associated with MNP  Originating Network It is the network where the calling party is currently connected.  Donor network The initial network where the number was located before being ported.  Recipient Network The network where a number is located after being ported.  Routing Prefix Routable number to identify the service provider, technology and the service area of called party.

22 Terminology associated with MNP All Call Query (ACQ): Recommended Routing Solution  Originating network query centrally administered NPDB, replica of which can be maintained locally within originating network.  The NPDB returns the routing prefix (indicating correct recipient) associated with the dialed MDN.  The Originating network re-route the call based on response of query – Towards HLR for its own Non-Ported subscribers and Ported - in subscribers. Towards other operator using routing prefix with IAM (Prefix +MDN). NPDB Number Portability database 1.1. NPDB Query Originating Network 3. Re - Routing Calling Subscriber 2 Prefix + MDN Called Subscriber Recipient Network Prefix + MDN Donor Network (Sub’s original N/W)

23 Porting Process Recipient Subscriber approaches recipient with a Porting request. Subscriber approaches recipient with a Porting request. NP req.. CCH Validated NP req Approval/rejection Activate service Ack Service Activated Porting info Broadcast Ack Other operators Donor CCH CENTRAL NPDB Validated NP req. Approval/rejection Ack Service deactivated - HLR provisioning - BSS updation - Subscriber notification NPDB update Porting Info. broadcast Porting info. broadcast Ack - Req evaluation & validation - Approval/Rejection. - Timer for donor response -HLR de-provisioning - MIN tracking for reallocation - Ported out MDN tracking

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