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Chris: From the P3, use AXBTs, take temp and humidities of the sonde profile and deduce SST. 190 sondes from G4 in Feb but no SSTs. For a couple of wind.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris: From the P3, use AXBTs, take temp and humidities of the sonde profile and deduce SST. 190 sondes from G4 in Feb but no SSTs. For a couple of wind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris: From the P3, use AXBTs, take temp and humidities of the sonde profile and deduce SST. 190 sondes from G4 in Feb but no SSTs. For a couple of wind regimes. Something post cold-frontal ideal. From sondes get surface flux estimates. Science Objectives Marty: Total IVT for AR transport (whiteboard drawing). Transects and dropsondes from all data only 10 cases where data was available all the way to the “edge”. Where priority and opportunity are available go a little further – cover range of 2 to 20 cm. About 150km spacing.

2 Chris: AXBT drops Chris/Sue/John: Currents measured by ADCP for 0-100m Sue: post flight objective; AR drops rain and some is flushed out to sea (especially over coastal areas). How much of that contributes to ocean temperature change after event. Ron Brown will have salinity measurements. From coast to west of RB. How coupled ocean/atmosphere boundary layer changes; relax back to stable regime? Lag time for this? Perhaps prior to next event (2-3 days before fcst event)

3 Question: P3 #? Channel – need to check with Peter. Need to bring back up receiving system? No – there are 3 on board. But they are all the same channel. Sondes are multi-frequency. AXBTs come at one frequency. Question: G1 coastal transect of interest during precipitation? Looking for aerosols in post AR conditions? Expect not many left (if good AR). During precipitation have flight module for P3 – may coordinate. Have done post-frontal.

4 From CalWaterI have Sierra-specific cloud type goals. Paul budget boxes: with transects – joint G4/P3 objective. Higher spatial resolution – go further north to capture tilt up to jet-level Chris: needs wrist-decision tree aka Aaron Rogers. Ryan wants that on the play list. Last time was highly flexible; 2 flights out of Honolulu. Route to Anchorage. Different strategy. This time would have to be motivated by ? Desperation?

5 Ryan: west coast to Honolulu about 2 hours of science available Chris: get Jim Doyle to develop concept for his adjoint model; test adjoint model to get obs 5 days ahead of time. Other adjoint sensitivity studies ? Develop some kind of module with keys for that. Marty: (whiteboard) Frontal wave (1); position (2); vorticity max (3) – look for these to identify aspects of forecast models / products

6 Chris: GFS – is the data getting into the forecast models? From aircraft checks are being made. They look for warning that the data is coming (Jennifer). Does NCEP assimilate? Can NCEP be influenced to keep data during assimilation? Helpful for adjoint sensitivity (Sue) – if sondes get into GFS then can monitor the COAMPS for improvement. Sue could check that ship sondes are getting into GFS. Sue can check with NCEP. During Dynamo Revelle sounding showed up but Chris thinks steps were taken to be sure they showed up. Chris will e-mail Sue to check if data showed up.

7 Ryan: question for Chris – coordination with RB – how does MAC connect with ship ? Can send e-mail. There are satellite phones on the ship. Sometimes not effective bandwidth to do effective go-to-meeting. Can’t use Skype. Maybe instant message? Time zone of operation ? Should be within an hour of Pacific time. Usually change on the ship as they move through time zones. How often for tele conference? Daily weather briefing every day. Call from forecast center to ship at minimal level (each day after briefing)? Expect to have more than two nodes – calls from several sites into weather briefing. Need dedicated conference line – set up long-standing webinar (Roger).

8 Can be dedicated for 6-10 weeks and can be used at any time. A number of folks can have leader code – Jon Rutz will take lead on investigating this. Can get 100 people on webinar. Late day ad-hoc briefing - Chris: on the ship want to know when the aircraft will be visiting. Also have ideas of winds and seas. Ship can communicate with aircraft via x-chat. Fun for ship to see aircraft go by.

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