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CANADA Areas to locate on map Provinces and territories Cities: Quebec, Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa Water: Hudson Bay, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River,

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3 Areas to locate on map Provinces and territories Cities: Quebec, Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa Water: Hudson Bay, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River, Oceans Other: Rocky Mts., Canadian Shield, Mackenzie Mts

4 Vocabulary words Maritime Provinces Lock Bedrock Inuit Separatism Secede Commonwealth Quebecois Canadian shield

5 Overview Divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories Longest undefended border in world Huge trading partner with USA (75/25) Commonwealth keeps tie with Britain alive Ports on 2 oceans helps trade importance

6 The Provinces & Territories

7 Atlantic Provinces Hills with thick forest and many lakes Only 10% of population Maritime ind. Very important some of world’s richest fishing waters Some farming very little industry Poorest income producing area

8 Great Lakes & St. Lawrence 60% of pop. In St Lawrence lowlands of Ontario & Quebec Canadian shield covers most area Toronto largest metro area St. Lawrence Waterway important trade route to Great Lakes Ottawa ( Nations capital) in Quebec Quebec oldest city home to many French- Canadians

9 Prairie Provinces Most cities founded along railways Agriculture dominates area (wheat) Oil & natural gas industry in Calgary growing Canadian Rockies attract tourist

10 British Columbia Covered with mts. & offshore islands Abundant natural resources but tourism leading industry Vancouver largest pacific port known for beautiful climate &beauty Chinese are largest minority in Canada ¼ in Vancouver

11 Northern Territories Fewer than 1% of population Home to native Inuit Very rich in mineral resources (gold, oil, silver, iron ore) cold climate and terrain make mining & transportation difficult

12 Ties to Europe Freed from Britain in 1867 complete freedom in 1931 Symbolic ruler is still British monarch ¼ of Canada’s pop of French origin most in Quebec Quebecois try to protect French culture 1995 Quebec vote to secede Canada failed

13 Ethnic Diversity Largest minority Chinese Allowed 60,000 refugees from Cambodia, Laos, & Vietnam Many immigrants from Eastern Europe came in early 1900s 370,000 Intuits live mainly on reserves and in territories 2 Largest groups are English & French descendants

14 Reasons why Quebec tried to secede? Conflict between Catholic population of Quebec (francophone) and the largely anglophone, Protestant population of the rest of Canada Canada was originally a French colony Justifications for Quebec's sovereignty include its unique culture and French- speaking majority (80%)

15 used negotiation-based diplomatic interventions over violence (which was suggested "separatist" and "sovereigntist" are terms used to describe individuals wanting the province of Quebec to separate from Canada to become a country of its own. 1974 – French made official language in Quebec – businesses and residents left which caused province to suffer economically Political leaders dedicated to separation controlled Quebec’s government

16 More Facts Is the 2nd largest country in the world Largest in North America Bilingual-speaking more than 1 language Official Languages-French and English

17 More Facts Timber Products-made from trees Oil-in mountains/tar sands Diamonds-isolated north (islands); “Ice Road Truckers” supply these mines Gold-discovered in Yukon at the same time as Alaska.

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