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VFMS Curriculum Night Fifth Grade Blue Team Social Studies Mrs. Celeste Sparano

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Presentation on theme: "VFMS Curriculum Night Fifth Grade Blue Team Social Studies Mrs. Celeste Sparano"— Presentation transcript:

1 VFMS Curriculum Night Fifth Grade Blue Team Social Studies Mrs. Celeste Sparano

2  Geography & Maps  Early Man & The Development of Civilizations and Writing  Latin America  North Africa & Ancient Egypt  Europe  Australia, Oceania, & Antarctica

3  Geography  History  Culture  Modern Issues


5  Time for Kids  Social Studies Journal  Folder  Handouts

6  Pinnacle Internet Viewer  Tests & Quizzes  Journal pages  Hands on Projects  Class work  Homework

7  Advisory Support  Schedule  Lockers  Assignment Books  Teacher Pages  Field Trip  Afterschool Clubs  5 Bowling/Skating Parties

8  2 days out of the 6 day rotation  Same teacher all year  Non-Graded  Seek help from another teacher

9  Quiet, respectful environment  Largely dedicated to work completion  Collaboration is allowed, but students should still be able to work independently without being disrupted or disturbed.

10  Make-up work  Opportunities to seek out teachers for extra help and support  IRP book or self-exploration project at a minimum.

11  Passes are not required for students to see other teachers.  We encourage the students to seek assistance from their advisory teacher first.  Library passes for computer use will be available during the day up to the end of lunch activity.

12  Students can access their Guidance Counselor or Gifted Support Teacher if they are available via pass or phone call from Advisory Support Teacher.

13  Some students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may have an additional 2 or 4 days of support to work on their goals in lieu of some special area classes.

14  Honesty  Empathy  Respect/Responsibility  Open-Mindedness

15  Definition of Bullying and the Bullying Circle  Student awareness

16  Building Homebase Communities  18 Yearly Hero Homebase Meetings  Digital Citizenship Lessons included

17    610.240.2614

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