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L. Karen Monroe Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Alameda County Office of Education Amy Blair Clinical Intervention Specialist Seneca.

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2 L. Karen Monroe Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Alameda County Office of Education Amy Blair Clinical Intervention Specialist Seneca Center Adrian Kirk Director of Student Programs and Services Alameda County Office of Education

3 Eighth grade latina student Declining grades and behavior Middle child of three living with mother and mother’s boyfriend In and out of foster care Open CPS case Estranged from father Mother has sporadic involvement with Michelle’s education Case Study: Michelle

4 Struggles to stay focused in school Often leaves class She often tells school staff “I hate it here. Ya’ll doin’ too much. I can’t take the pressure no more” Evaluated for special education services, but not qualified Reads at fifth-grade level Argumentative with peers Arguments escalate to altercations, resulting in suspensions from school Case Study: Michelle

5  What is the school community’s responsibility to Michelle?  Who needs to be protected here?  How does the leader do that?

6 History of gang involvement Attendance steadily declined On probation for robbery Suspected involvement in prostitution Mother asserted boys don’t leave her alone, hence her truancy Case Study: Michelle

7  What kind of mental health or social/emotional services might be appropriate for this student?  What kind of interventions would the student need on campus? In the classroom?

8 No improvement in school performance, despite meetings between school administration and mother/student Student wishes to finish 8 th grade and go on to high school Administration is considering a comprehensive intervention plan Case Study: Michelle

9  What initial steps would you take school wide?  What are the resources currently available to you?  Who is responsible for intervention?

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