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Welcome! Mr. Dietrich’s Fifth Grade Curriculum Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Mr. Dietrich’s Fifth Grade Curriculum Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Mr. Dietrich’s Fifth Grade Curriculum Night

2 My Biography  Married with one child: Beefcake  Undergraduate Degree: ISU  Taught in Illinois previously  Taught at Tritt Elementary  Moved to Mt. Bethel Elementary  Graduate Degree: GSU  Specialist Degree: VSU  Taught grades 2 nd -5 th

3 Schedule 7:15-7:45 Attendance, Morning Work 7:45-8:00Morning Announcements/HW 8:00-8:45Specials 8:45-10:00Mathematics 10:00-11:48ELA 11:48-12:18Lunch 12:18-12:30ELA 12:30-12:45Recess 12:45-2:00Socials Studies/Science 2:00-2:25ASP/Car Riders/1 st Load

4 Grading Scale  A=90-100  B=80-89  C=74-79  D=70-73  F=0-69  Grades will be determined through a variety of assessment tools.

5 English/Language Arts-CCGPS  Reading  Integrated with Social Studies and Science  Use a variety of genres and materials  Use a variety of strategies  Focus: Text complexity/Rigor  Delivery: Large/Small Group Flexible Skills Group-inference, sequence, main idea, etc.

6 English/Language Arts-CCGPS  Grammar and Vocabulary  Daily Grammar Practice (DGP)  GUMS  Wordly Wise  Spelling  Words Their Way/ Weekly Spelling Tests  Writing  Fifth Grade Writing Workshop using Lucy Calkins resources  Focus: Opinion, Information, Research, and Narrative Writing

7 Mathematics-CCGPS  Content Standards  Operations and Algebraic Thinking  Number and Operations in Base Ten  Number and Operations-Fractions  Measurement and Data  Geometry  Practice Standards  Make sense of problems/persevere in solving them  Reason abstractly and quantitatively  Construct argument and critique reasoning of others  Model with mathematics

8 Social Studies  Citizenship  Civil War and Reconstruction  The Changing Nation  World War I, Jazz Age, Great Depression  World War II, Cold War  America 1950-1975  America 1975-present

9 Health  Nutrition/Personal Health  Medicine Safety  Disease Prevention  Growth and Development  Personal Safety  Human Growth and Development

10 Science  Constructive and Destructive Forces  Matter  Electricity and Magnetism  Cells and Microorganisms  Classification of Organisms and Genetics

11 Outside the curriculum  Confidence  Solve Problems  Accountability  Responsibility *Obstacles and failures are opportunities for them to grow and mature!

12 Rules  Be Respectful  Be Responsible

13 Behavior Log/ Assignments  Each student has a behavior log in their binder. If issues occur, I will mark in this. This should be signed every Thursday night.  Assignments will be posted on the blog.

14 Homework  Reading Daily: 20-30 minutes Monthly Reading Log  20 AR points every nine weeks  Practice fluency in math facts

15 Few thoughts  Water bottles  Birthdays: Let me know if you want to send in a treat. This works best to be brought to lunch.  If there is a change in your child’s afternoon transportation, it must be done in writing or by phone call to the school office. No emails.

16 Important Dates  ITBS: October 10-17  Conferences: October 20-24  Immigration Day: December 12  Winter Holiday Party: December 19  5 th Grade Writing Assessment: March 4-5  EOG (formerly CRCT): April 15-24  5 th Grade Picnic: May 15  Awards Ceremony/Walk of Honor: May 20  5 th Grade Breakfast: May 21

17 Room Parents  Kimberley Euston  Kathleen Corrao

18 Communication  The agenda  Behavior sheet  Email:  Call Mount Bethel: 770-578-7248  My BLOG:

19 Thanks for sharing your child with me!

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