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Wind Turbine Problem Based Learning 5 th Grade Guidelines & Expectations Ms. May Ms. Horne Beck Elementary School September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Wind Turbine Problem Based Learning 5 th Grade Guidelines & Expectations Ms. May Ms. Horne Beck Elementary School September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wind Turbine Problem Based Learning 5 th Grade Guidelines & Expectations Ms. May Ms. Horne Beck Elementary School September 2012

2 What are we learning? We will be constructing Wind Turbines to answer the following question: Which blades will produce the most energy? We will be using an inquiry based discovery method to determine what type of blades will produce the most energy. (Students will measure the energy produced through a data logger in class.)

3 Student Project Expectations Each student is responsible for working as a team to design the best wind turbine blade. Each group member is expected to contribute. Groups will design wind turbine blades to test. Groups will choose ONE variable to test. (See Variable Ideas) Groups will test one variable through three different trials. Example of the trials: We are testing the length of blades. We will create blades that are ________ long, ________ long, and_________ long. (The variable is the length of the blade. The trials are the tests done with the different lengths.) Each group member is expected to take notes on the entire process. Each group member is required to create their own presentation. (Students must have individual experimental notes to complete this portion. Class time will be provided.)

4 Variable Ideas Variable Ideas: – Number of Blades – Length of Blades – Pitch/Angle of Blades – Shape of Blades – Blade Materials Groups are required to choose only ONE variable to test.

5 How will students be graded? Students will receive both a formative grade and a summative grade for this assignment. – The formative grade will be obtained from daily group participation and for completing the Wind Inquiry Data Collection Summary in complete sentences. – The summative grade will be obtained from the individual presentation.

6 How will students present discoveries? Each student in the group will be responsible for presenting their group information individually during a ‘Gallery Walk’. Students can chose the format of their individual presentation. Examples include: Prezi, PowerPoint, Globser, etc. The following pieces of information must be included in the presentation: *Title*The Question*Hypothesis *Variables*Materials used*Steps *Results (Data Table & Graph) *Conclusions (CER) Individual projects will be due Monday, October 1 st 2012. Individual projects will be presented on Tuesday, October 2 nd 2012.

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