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Greek and Latin Word Parts Set #3 – Greek Roots English I – 2010-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek and Latin Word Parts Set #3 – Greek Roots English I – 2010-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek and Latin Word Parts Set #3 – Greek Roots English I – 2010-2011

2 Wait a sec’… What ARE word stems, exactly?! Root: the part of the word that contains the basic or anchor meaning of the word Prefix: a word element that comes before the root. It changes the meaning of the word or creates a new word. Suffix: a word element that comes after the root. It changes the meaning of the word and often the way it is used (i.e., can turn a noun into a verb, a verb into a noun, etc.).

3 SET #3 – GREEK ROOTS Mim Mono Morph Neur, Nerv Path Philo, Phil Phon Poly Scope Tom, Tomy

4 Mim To Copy, Imitate Sample Words: Mimic (to imitate) Mime (one who imitates life in a ridiculous manner) Mimeograph (an older version of a copy machine)

5 Mono One Sample Words: Monologue (a speech delivered by one person) Monogamy (remaining faithful to one person) Monolingual (only able to speak one language)

6 Morph Form Sample Words: Anthropomorphic (having or resembling human form) Metamorphosis (a change in form) Morphology (study of the form and structure of animals and plants)

7 Neur, Nerv Nerve Sample Words: Neurology (the study of nervous system) Nervous (of or relating to nerves) Neurosis (a nervous disorder marked by anxiety and the use of defense mechanisms)

8 Path Feeling Sample Words: Apathy (lack of feeling/ caring) Sympathy (inclination to think or feel alike) Empathy (the capacity for experiencing as one’s own the feelings of another)

9 Philo, Phil Love Sample Words: Bibliophile (one who loves books) Francophile (one who loves France and the French) Philharmonic (devoted to or appreciative of [loving] music)

10 Phon Sound, Voice Sample Words: Telephone (a device for transmitting sound) Phonics (deals with word and letter sounds) Symphony (a harmonious arrangement of sound)

11 Poly Many Sample Words: Polychromatic (composed of many colors) Polyatomic (composed of many atoms) Polyester (a fabric made of complex [many] ester)

12 Scope To See Sample Words: Kaleidoscope (an instrument allowing one to see a changing pattern or scene) Telescope (an instrument for seeing things at a great distance) Microscope (an instrument for seeing very small things)

13 Tom, Tomy Cutting, Operation of Incision Sample Words: Anatomy Atom (the smallest particle to which an element can be cut while still maintaining its elemental integrity) Appendectomy (an operation of incision in which the appendix is removed)

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