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By: Chantal Maria Tapia

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1 By: Chantal Maria Tapia
Siberian Tiger By: Chantal Maria Tapia Most people have not seen a Siberian Tiger up close. What are they like?

2 Description A Siberian tiger is a mammal that lives in Siberia. A Siberian tiger is the largest member of the cat family. Siberian tigers fur is usually pale orange and brown with black stripes. A Bengal tiger’s fur is sometimes white with black stripes and is smaller than a Siberian tiger A Siberian tiger has a white ruff around the neck. They also have white fur with black stripes on their bellies.

3 Habitat Siberian tigers live on the continents of Europe and Asia. The Siberian tiger is found in the Amur – Ussusi region of Siberia, China and Korea. Siberian tigers live in mountainous forest Siberian tigers live alone. A Siberian tiger scratches the trees, scratches until other tigers keep out of its space. A male Siberian tiger will claim up to 772 square miles, and a female Siberian tiger will claim up to 174 miles.

4 Diet A Siberian tiger is a fast-moving carnivore or meat eater. A Siberian tiger often kills its prey with a bite on the neck. Siberian tigers eat deer, pigs, antelope, cattle, young elephants, buffalo and wild boar. Siberian tigers are nocturnal or hunt at night.

5 Survival Siberian tigers are endangered from people. There are only 400 Siberian Tigers left in the wild. Many people killed Siberian tigers for their meat and their fur. Workers cut down trees and make space for the city where the Siberian tigers lived. Siberian tigers protect themselves with their long claws and sharp teeth. Siberian tigers don’t usually have to protect themselves from other Siberian tigers because they mark their spot with their claws on the trees. Siberian tiger’s enemy is people.

6 Other Facts A Siberian tiger is almost as long as two motor scooters. A baby Siberian tiger weighs up to 30 pounds. In just 2 years it will weigh 250 pounds. A mom Siberian tiger carries her cubs with her mouth very gently. A Siberian tiger is also called Amur tiger.

7 Conclusion There are no other animal quite like a Siberian tiger.

8 Bibliography Meish Goldish, Siberian Tiger, 20010
Janet Perry, Tigers , 2002 A-Z Animals, April 28, 2014

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