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2 Symfony web development framework is used to develop rapid, complex and large scale web applications faster and in an effective way. It reduces the amount of code repetition. It based on MVC (Model View Controller) and is developed using PHP. We provide you a total package of symphony framework and applications by our extremely talented symphony framework experts. We work on all versions of Symfony like doctrine, propel and all types of plug-ins. Line focus provides symfony framework related services like web development, web maintenance, etc. Introduction:

3  It is mainly based on web application such as Ruby-On-Rails. Its framework is easy to use and enhances code readability has a high defined design structure.  It uses Model View Controller which clearly isolates the business logic from presentation layer.  It lacks support for PHP4 but it is compatible with most of the database management system.  Symfony use its own components such as,  Symfony YAML- it is used convert PHP arrays to YAML strings and vice versa. Features of Symfony

4  Symfony event dispatcher: It provides a Mediator pattern which makes the project extensible.  Symfony Dependency injector: It is used for standardization and centralization of the objects.  Symfony templating: It provides all the necessary tools to develop template.  It has code generation tools for automatic code generation.  It has built in testing framework.  It makes the debugging process faster by showing the information needed by the user in the same page they are working on. Features of Symfony

5  It is search engine friendly, easy implementation of AJAX tool kit, built in e- mail features.  It provides cross browser compatibility.  It has inbuilt internationalization and localization which helps in translation and content localization.  It has built-in testing framework which allows easy testing of the application. Features of Symfony

6 Thank You Questions Welcome :

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