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MULTI-AGENCY WORK: THE GOLDEN GOOSE PROBLEM Trudi Cooper Edith Cowan University, Perth Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "MULTI-AGENCY WORK: THE GOLDEN GOOSE PROBLEM Trudi Cooper Edith Cowan University, Perth Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 MULTI-AGENCY WORK: THE GOLDEN GOOSE PROBLEM Trudi Cooper Edith Cowan University, Perth Australia

2 THE GOLDEN GOOSE What are the ‘golden eggs’ – Why is detached youth work attractive to other organisations as a partner? What opportunities does this bring for detached youth work?

3 THE GOLDEN GOOSE Health risks for the golden goose? –why did the golden goose die? What are the threats from collaboration for detached youth work?

4 THE GOLDEN GOOSE Staying alive –what conditions the goose need to flourish and keep laying eggs? What do detached youth workers need to be able to their work? What do detached workers need for their work to flourish? The collaboration framework must provide basic condition required

5 GOLDEN GOOSE RISK Organisations want to collaborate with detached youth workers because detached youth workers have the trust of ‘hard to reach’ young people Once the collaboration is in place, partners want detached youth workers to change their ways Conditions imposed mean youth workers no longer able to work Strategies for staying alive need to be put in place, preferably before the partnership begins

6 MULTI-AGENCY COLLABORATION: WHY? Collaboration across professional difference, should we? Three possible answers, yes, no, and maybe If yes, why? If no, why not? If maybe, under what circumstances? Circumstances for collaboration are what I will explore in the workshop this afternoon

7 MULTI-AGENCY COLLABORATION: WHAT FAILS ? Conditions of failed collaboration When one partner (or a coalition) is able to impose goals and agenda on others When one partner can determine methods of practice for other partners Where partners do not understand and respect differences (goals and methods) ‏ If framework for collaboration does not anticipate conflict and contain strategies to resolve conflict Short-termism –priority given to meeting targets at expense of process Evaluation strategy wrong

8 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN CASE STUDY Purpose: to establish methods for successful multi- agency collaboration What and where in four locations in the Perth metropolitan area, between youth workers community agencies, and rail security offices working for the public transport authority and in one instance shopping centre security How Action research project to develop successful strategies to collaborate across difference Trial methods to enable partners to collaborate successfully Integral evaluation

9 FRAMEWORKS IN MULTI-AGENCY WORK Frameworks for collaboration –negotiated Establish ground rules for mutual respect, understanding and acceptance of difference Be solution focused Agree conflict resolution strategies before the partnership Roles –establish who provides what in the partnership Establish boundaries to sharing

10 FRAMEWORKS IN MULTI-AGENCY WORK Frameworks for Evaluation Determine evaluation strategy that fairly reflects contribution of all partners Ensure evaluation methods do not distort work Educate funders about evaluation

11 POWER IN MULTI-AGENCY WORK Power –discuss formal and informal power Focus on learning from each other Equality –identify steps that can be taken to avoid any one party (or coalition) imposing their agenda/methods on others Accept value of boundaries and distinctiveness as conflict avoidance strategy Negotiate solutions to problems Maintain personal relationships

12 VALUES IN MULTI-AGENCY WORK Values –discuss diversity Goals –accept different agencies have different goals Stereotypes –ensure shared understanding of other agencies’ roles methods and functions Respect –build a genuine willingness to listen, understand and learn Look for synergies Anticipate where conflict may arise and discuss strategies Discuss how practices of one partner may inadvertently cause difficulties for another Establish boundaries to sharing

13 IMPLICATIONS OF MULTI-AGENCY WORK Clarity about purpose of youth work, role of youth workers, Methods boundaries of practice Avoid temptation to impose own values on others Training issues, Politics and values Ability to articulate what youth workers do Skills for multi-agency collaboration Professionalism, status and standards Context changes since 1980s Control of standards

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