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UNIT SIX: REVIEW 6-session Memory Enhancement Course.

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1 UNIT SIX: REVIEW 6-session Memory Enhancement Course

2 Objectives  Reviewing the stages of memory  Reviewing the types of memory strategies  Repeating the name recall steps  Reviewing the importance of nutrition and exercise  Identifying stress and ways to cope  Reviewing how our memory is affected by our thoughts and feelings  Reviewing dementia and depression  Reviewing other causes of memory decline

3 Unit One: Introduction to Memory  Beliefs about memory actually affect ability to remember  3 Stages of Memory: (3 R’s) 1. Registering (attitude, interest, attention, organization) 2. Retaining (short term=30 seconds) 3. Retrieving (recall and recognition)

4 Unit Two: Memory Strategies  Internal Aids:  Alphabetic Cueing (example: A-J, first 10 letters of the alphabet)  Mnemonics (My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Noodles)  Acronyms (NATO)  Rhymes & Patterns (dates, license plates)  Routines & Drills (use 5 senses: speaking aloud)  Chunking

5 Unit Two: Memory Strategies  External Aids:  Appointment books and calendars  Lists  Pill boxes & timers  Organization and de-cluttering

6 Name Recall 1.STOP: Pay attention to the person 2.LOOK: Note a distinctive feature of the person 3.LISTEN: Register the person’s name (repeat it aloud) 4.WRITE: the name down as soon as possible.

7 Unit Three: The Body-Mind Connection  Nutrition has significant effects on your brain’s functioning  Exercise  Remember, what’s good for the heart is good for the brain!

8  Water: 8 glasses a day  Combats constipation, absorbs medication, improves digestion, maintains mental alertness, promotes good kidney functioning  Dehydration can cause confusion and lead to death Unit Three: The Body-Mind Connection

9 Brain Break - Brain Exercise Form as many words as you can with the letters from this word: S T A N D A R D Example: dart, ran, etc…

10 Unit Four: Thoughts, Feelings Stress & Memory  Feelings are caused by the thoughts that we have learned to have about a given situation.  Stress affects how well we remember information.

11 Unit Four: Dysfunctional Thoughts 1.Overgeneralization: “I never remember people’s names.” 2.Awfulizing: exaggerate the negative 3.Self-expectations: “I must remember this.” 4.Exaggerated Self-statements: “I have the worst memory of anyone I know.” 5.Mind reading: attributing own thoughts onto someone else 6.Self-criticism: name calling

12 Unit Five: Dementia & Depression  Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia, which impairs thinking, language, and memory.  Dementia and depression are not normal processes of aging.  Depression is sadness that is overwhelming and interferes with daily life.  Depression is an illness, not a sign of weakness.

13 Unit Five: Other Causes of Memory Decline  Overmedication  Chemical imbalance in the body  Depression  Sudden illness  Malnutrition  Dehydration  Social isolation

14 Brainwork  Continue to challenge your brain by trying new Neurobic activities!

15 “That’s All Folks!” Congratulations, You’ve graduated Neurobics!

16 Customizable slide for organization Organization Logo Here

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