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Introducing the risks from diesel fumes – a briefing for managers.

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2 Introducing the risks from diesel fumes – a briefing for managers


4 SETTING THE SCENE - Diesel fumes can cause lung and bladder cancer - Cancer caused by diesel fumes has killed thousands of people worldwide - 650 people in the UK alone will die this year from cancer caused by diesel fumes they were exposed to at work


6 WHY IS THIS OUR PROBLEM? - We need to consider our workers and their exposure to diesel fumes - As a responsible business, we want to make sure that people don’t get harmed at work - In the UK, and many other countries, there is a legal duty to check the level of risk from diesel fume exposure - This is often along with a legal duty to cut down exposure where workers are at risk of getting sick - … Are our competitors or suppliers doing this better than us?

7 WHAT’S OUR FIRST STEP? - Check if: diesel fumes in our workplace are at harmful levels fumes are building up in closed-in areas fumes are making sooty deposits or a smoky haze where we work


9 WHAT ACTION DO WE NEED TO TAKE? There are things we can do to safeguard our workforce – for example: - change to another type of fuel - replace engines with cleaner ones - make sure engines and diesel-fuelled equipment are regularly serviced - use filters or ventilation systems



12 WHAT WILL IT COST US? The business case for action: [tailor this slide]



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