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Criteria for Model Practices: LHD role Collaboration Innovation Responsiveness Evaluation Project Funding— leveraging resources through NACCHO projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Criteria for Model Practices: LHD role Collaboration Innovation Responsiveness Evaluation Project Funding— leveraging resources through NACCHO projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criteria for Model Practices: LHD role Collaboration Innovation Responsiveness Evaluation Project Funding— leveraging resources through NACCHO projects NACCHO model pracitces cross- cutting team staff knowledge, experience and reputation Program judging is more uniform and fair Increased interest in the model practices program by LHDs SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES STRATEGIES INTERIM OUTCOMES LONG-TERM OUTCOMES INPUTS NACCHO Model Practice Logic Model More effective LHDs Increased motivation to implement model practices Model practices implemented to enhance local LHDs (replication) Applicant knowledge, experience and skills All LHDs’ awareness of model practices program NACCHO Commtiment to program (e.g. strategic plan) NACCHO workgroups Establish a community of practice (increased desire for peer exchange) Increased visibility of model LHDs Increased pride in LHDs by LHD staff OUTPUTS Criteria for Promising Practices: LHD role Collaboration Innovation Responsiveness Some evaluation Awards reception Poster presentation Exchange issue Press release Plaque/ certificates Online database/ clearinghouse Educating NACCHO staff on the model practices program Guidance documents Technical assistance calls Judging calls Promote knowledge of the model practices program and encourage potential applicants to apply Marketing materials Dissemination of model and promising practices Recognition of model practice programs Judging Model Practices Promising Practices NACCHO staff trained on judging and promoting the program Number of people aware of and submitting applications for best practices Increased awareness and knowledge of LHD best practices, especially re: Healthy People in Every Stage of Life Healthy People in Healthy Places People Prepared for Emerging Health Threats Healthy People in a Healthy World Increased documentation of Moedel/Promising practices Increased resources for LHD award recipients (leverage award) Increased respect for LHDs by local community

2 Criteria for Model Practices: LHD role Collaboration Innovation Responsiveness Evaluation Project Funding— leveraging resources through NACCHO projects NACCHO model pracitces cross- cutting team staff knowledge, experience and reputation Program judging is more uniform and fair Increased interest in the model practices program by LHDs SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES STRATEGIES INTERIM OUTCOMES LONG-TERM OUTCOMES INPUTS NACCHO Model Practice Logic Model More effective LHDs Increased motivation to implement model practices Model practices implemented to enhance local LHDs (replication) Applicant knowledge, experience and skills All LHDs’ awareness of model practices program NACCHO Commtiment to program (e.g. strategic plan) NACCHO workgroups Establish a community of practice (increased desire for peer exchange) Increased visibility of model LHDs Increased pride in LHDs by LHD staff OUTPUTS Criteria for Promising Practices: LHD role Collaboration Innovation Responsiveness Some evaluation Awards reception Poster presentation Exchange issue Press release Plaque/ certificates Online database/ clearinghouse Educating NACCHO staff on the model practices program Guidance documents Technical assistance calls Judging calls Promote knowledge of the model practices program and encourage potential applicants to apply Marketing materials Dissemination of model and promising practices Recognition of model practice programs Judging Model Practices Promising Practices NACCHO staff trained on judging and promoting the program Number of people aware of and submitting applications for best practices Increased awareness and knowledge of LHD best practices, especially re: Healthy People in Every Stage of Life Healthy People in Healthy Places People Prepared for Emerging Health Threats Healthy People in a Healthy World Increased documentation of Model/Promising practices Increased resources for LHD award recipients (leverage award) Increased respect for LHDs by local community NACCHO question strand 1 NACCHO question strand 2

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